To compile libsass to JS you need docker.
Clone and initialize the repository
cd sass.js
npm install
npm run build
# destination:
# dist/file-size.json
# dist/sass.js
# dist/sass.node.js
# dist/sass.sync.js
# dist/sass.worker.js
# dist/versions.json
When working with the Sass.js APIs it is not neccessary to download the libsass repository every time. The npm run rebuild
command will compile the Sass.js the same way npm run build
will, except it will expect the repository to already exist.
This is useful (and necessary) to identify the callstacks required to whitelist for the Emterpreter.
npm run build:debug
# destination:
# dist/file-size.json
# dist/sass.js
# dist/sass.node.js
# dist/sass.sync.js
# dist/sass.worker.js
# dist/versions.json
When working on the C wrapper it may be unnecessary to build the entire library, but focus only on emscripting libsass instead.
# import libsass repository
npm run libsass:prepare
# invoke emscripten
npm run libsass:build
# invoke emscripten in debug mode
npm run libsass:debug
# destination:
# libsass/libsass/lib/libsass.js
After cloning this repository you can run npm run libsass:prepare libsass:build
and then run Sass.js off its source files to gain access to all components (emscripten environment, Sass.js components) in the global scope (see sass.source.html
<!-- you need to compile libsass.js first using `grunt libsass:prepare libsass:build` -->
<script src="libsass/libsass/lib/libsass.js"></script>
<!-- the Sass.js helpers to work with emscripten -->
<script src="src/sass.util.js"></script>
<!-- mapping of Sass.js options to be fed to libsass via the emscripten wrapper -->
<script src="src/sass.options.js"></script>
<!-- the Importer Callback infrastructure -->
<script src="src/sass.importer.js"></script>
<!-- the Sass.js abstraction of libsass and emscripten -->
<script src="src/sass.api.js"></script>
<!-- the libsass method of resolving paths from @import statements -->
<script src="src/sass.resolve-paths.js"></script>
var scss = '$someVar: 123px; .some-selector { width: $someVar; }';
Sass.compile(scss, function(result) {