This is a go-to place for everything, I'm picking up along the way. This repository contains basic codes and fundamentals of Python, which I discovered throughout my learning process.
Python is the fastest-growing programming language that is flexible easy to learn, read and use. Python can be used in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.
- Hello World
- Variable in Python
- Functions in Python - Advanced Functions-Lambda Function
- Numbers
- Getting User's Input
- Building a Simple Word Replacement Pgm
- List,Tuples, Dictionaries and Loops in Python
- Turtle Graphics
- Image Processing
- Graphical User interface
- Numpy
- Strings
- Regular Expressions
I highly encourage you to take on these practice problems and run the programs yourself. Not only will it help you solidify your knowledge of Python, but it will also give you the satisfaction of seeing your code in action.
I personally executed all the programs listed below, and obtained outputs to ensure that they work as expected. I am confident that these practice problems provide a great opportunity for you to apply your knowledge of Python, so, roll up your sleeves and get started!💪🏼
- String
- Variables
- Function
- Bubble Sort
- Building a Simple Word Replacement Program
- Factorial Using Recursion
- Prime
- Pattern
- Pattern2
- Pattern3
- Login System
- Armstrong Number
- Linear Search
- Pallindrome
- Sorting Based on String Length
- Number of even and odd numbers in from given n
- Leap Year or Not
Note:Click the title to redirect to the code
The Python course I'm taking is Python Backend Web Development Course by You can also start off from there. It's completely free and the only thing need is your commitment and self-motivation💪🏿.
I also referred the textbook Fundamentals of Python First Programs - 2nd Edition by Kenneth A. Lambert.