Tiny REST JSON ORM framework with MongoDB.
Ki's goal is to help you protoype your ideas blazing fast. It has a db backend and provides a fullblown REST api on top.
Table of Contents
- Install
- Getting started
- Deploy
- CORS enabled
- Documentation
- Administration Interface
To create an api endpoint '/todo.json' with GET/POST/PATCH and restricting DELETE, with title and description as required attributes, with db backend, with a unique title, and before/after filters you would need to write:
class Todo < Ki::Model
requires :title, :description
unique :title
forbid :delete
def before_all
puts 'hello'
def before_create
params['created_at'] = Time.now.to_i
def after_find
if result['keywords'].include? 'food'
puts 'yummy'
gem install ki
Learn by example. We will create the traditional 'hello world' app for web development: the dreaded TODO app.
View the code for the final webapp.
ki new todo
This will create the folder todo containing a bare bones ki application. Your app will look like this.
App directory structure:
- public/
- javascripts/
- stylesheets/
- views/
- app.rb
- config.yml
The entry point for the app is app.rb. You will add most of your code there. Views are in the views folder and you can find some database info in config.yml.
cd todo
ki server
ki server is the command which starts the webserver. By default it starts on port 1337.
For an interactive environment, you can run the console command. It starts a irb session with your application context already loaded.
ki console
ki supports realtime communication though WebSockets
To learn how to use the realtime api, read this.
A view is a html page. By default, a view called 'index.haml' is created for you in the 'views/' folder. All haml files from the '/views/' folder are compiled to html at runtime.
For example, to serve a html file when a user accesses '/dashboard' create the 'views/dashboard.haml' dashboard.
All files from the 'public/' folder are served to the client from the root url.
You can add any type of file. Coffee and sass files are compiled at runtime, similar to haml.
If the file views/layout.haml exists, it will be used as a layout for all the other haml files. The content of the route will be placed in the layout yield
%title Ki Framework
= yield
%p Hello World!
Views, assets, haml, less, sass are all handled through Rack middleware.
You can learn more about ki middleware here.
To reduce complexity in your views, you can use helpers. Here we create a say_hello method which we can use in views/index.haml.
module Ki::Helpers
def say_hello
%p= say_hello
Think of resources as the M in MVC. Except they also have routes attached. All resources must inherit from Ki::Model. For example, to create a todo model add the fallowing snippet to app.rb
class Todo < Ki::Model
This will create the Todo resource and its corresponding routes. Each route is mapped to a model method.
Method name | Verb | HTTP request | Required params |
find | GET | /todo.json | |
create | POST | /todo.json | |
update | PATCH | /todo.json | id |
delete | DELETE | /todo.json | id |
Below is a curl example for creating a todo item. Notice the data sent in the body request is a JSON string. It can take the shape of any valid JSON object. All json objects will be stored in the database under the resource name. In our case todo.
curl -X POST -d '{"title": "make a todo tutorial"}' http://localhost:9292/todo.json
curl -X GET http://localhost:9292/todo.json
curl -X GET http://localhost:9292/todo.json?id=ITEM_ID
Mongo syntax is supported. See here for more details.
Some examples:
Search in array
curl -k -X GET -d '{"category": {"$in": ["music"]}}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
Search by regex
curl -k -X GET -d '{"title": "todo", "__regex": ["title"]}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
Search by regex insensitive
curl -k -X GET -d '{"title": "TodO", "__regexi": ["title"]}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
Greater than number
curl -k -X GET -d '{"i": {"$gt": 0}}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
OR Query
curl -k -X GET -d '{"$or": [{"category": "music"}, {"category": "band"}]}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=secret&secret=secret"
To limit the number of results use a param called __limit and the value desired. For example, the request below will limit itself to 10 results.
curl -k -X GET -d '{"__limit": 10}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
To skip results results, you can use the param called __skip.
curl -k -X GET -d '{"__skip": 10}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
To sort the results, use a param called __sort and the key value desired. Example
curl -k -X GET -d '{"__sort": { "name": "desc" }}' "https://json.northpole.ro/storage.json?api_key=guest&secret=guest"
NOTE: replace 'desc' with -1 and 'asc' with 1 if needed.
curl -X PATCH -d '{"id": "ITEM_ID", "title": "finish the todo tutorial"}' http://localhost:9292/todo.json
curl -X DELETE -d http://localhost:9292/todo.json?id=ITEM_ID
To access headers, simply call @req.headers
. In this example, the headers are returned by the API.
class Headers < Ki::Model
def after_find
@result = @req.headers
You can add mandatory attributes on resources with the requires method. It takes one parameter or an array of parameters as an argument.
class Todo < Ki::Model
requires :title
This will make sure a Todo item can not be saved or updated in the database without a title attribute.
You can add unique attributes on resources with the unique method. It takes one parameter or an array of parameters as an argument.
class Todo < Ki::Model
unique :title
This will make sure a Todo item can not be saved or updated in the database if it is not unique.
Let's say you want to forbid access to deleting items. You can do that with the forbid method.
class Todo < Ki::Model
forbid :delete
The framework has these callbacks. Here is an example on how to use them:
class Todo < Ki::Model
def before_create
# do your stuff
Before the request is sent to the client, you can look at the result through the result method. Modifying it will change what the client receives.
class Todo < Ki::Model
def after_find
puts result
A list of exceptions can be found here
class Todo < Ki::Model
def before_all
def ensure_authorization
if params[:key] = 'secret-key'
raise UnauthorizedError.new
By default, logs are written in the logs
folder and are rotated weekly if and
only if the logs
folder exists.
To add something to the log you can:
Ki::KiLogger.instance.logger.info 'for your info'
Ki::KiLogger.instance.logger.warn 'warning'
Ki::KiLogger.instance.logger.error 'ops'
By setting the param redirect_to
, you can set an endpoint on where to redirect
once the request is completed.
It has a config.ru file. Ki is based on rack. You can deploy anywhere (ex: nginx, thin, apache, webrick).
In the webserver config, just remember to point the virtual host to the public directory.
ki new heroku-ki
cd heroku-ki
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'
heroku create
heroku config:set MONGODB_URI="mongodb://user:pass@mongo_url:mongo_port/db_name"
git push heroku master
heroku open
Ki offers instant documentation. Add the middleware 'InstaDoc' and access /instadoc.
class Todo < Ki::Model
_body 'is required because reasons'
requires :body
_desc 'This is a before all description'
def before_all
_desc 'This is a general description. Needs to be above a method called "doc"'
def doc; end
Ki offers an instant administration interface. Add the middleware 'AdminIntefaceGenerator' and access /instadmin.
Ki offers a simple task framework. More info here.