A simple rust program for managing raw images.
- Uses libraw to get the actual pixel content of each raw.
- Pixel content is used as the hash of the image, so metadata changes to E.I the exif have no effect.
- Organizes files into Year / Month / Camera model folders
- Uses sqlite to store the hashes of imported files
- Can verify those hashes have not changed
Simple photo database management tool. Pixel content based depduplication via xxhash and libraw
Usage: photodb [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
import Import files into the database
verify Verify the raw image file hashes
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--import-path <IMPORT_PATH> The database root to move files into [default: photodb]
-m, --move-files Move the files to the database root
-i, --insert Import the files into the database, checking for duplicates
-d, --database <DATABASE> The name of the database to use [default: .photodb/photo.db]
-c, --create Create the database
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
git clone https://github.com/mgolub2/photodb.git
cd photodb
cargo build --release
mv target/release/photodb /usr/local/bin/photodb