Java-based container images have the issue of having a considerable size even if the application is quite simple. When we work with the cloud, a big image can increase deployment time, require more resources, and even lead to higher costs. The following repository contains the Book Catalog web service, a simple Spring Boot application, and the instructions to reduce the JVM Docker image size generated by the Dockerfile.
The Book catalog web service's tech stack is the following:
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.2.4
- H2 in memory database (see the file application.yaml for the details)
- JUnit Jupiter and Mockito for the unit testing
The OpenAPI Specification is used for describing HTTP APIs: swagger
- JDK 17
- Maven
- A Docker deamon runnig locally
- Clone the repository
- Start the Spring Boot application
- Play with the fantastic endpoints exposed by the Book Catalog service :-)
- Containerize the application by copying in the Dockerfile the content of:
- Dockerfile_full
- Dockerfile_slim
- Run the container on the port 8080
As mentioned in the previous section, there are 2 different Dockerfiles (Dockerfile_full, Dockerfile_slim): the goal is create JVM docker with both of them and checkout the results. Even if we use a minimal base image (the official eclipse-temurin:17-alpine) and we use the multi-stage build, the generated JVM Docker image is still quite big for a simple application like the Book Catalog service. Here is where jlink comes into the game. Let's see the details in the following section.
The basic optimization we can put in place for creating slim JVM Docker images for our Spring Boot application is to use the multi-stage build. When we need to containerize a Spring Boot application, we need to build and package the application, and we also need a JRE to run the application packaged in the .jar file.
The approach described in this example contains 2 stages:
- Build and package the application
- Copy the built application into a JRE
Multi-stage build can provide multiple benefits. The most relevant in the context of this example are:
- Smaller image size: the image contains only essential runtime components
- Faster build time, exploiting the advantages of Docker’s layer caching capabilities
To take even more advantage, we use the Alpine Docker Official Image,
Finally, the Dockerfile looks like:
#Multi-stage build
#Stage 1: initialize build and set base image for first stage
FROM maven:3.8.8-amazoncorretto-17 AS build
WORKDIR /opt/app/
COPY pom.xml .
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline
COPY ./src ./src
# compile the source code and package it in a jar file
RUN mvn clean install -DskipTests
#Stage 2: set base image for second stage
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-alpine
# set deployment directory
WORKDIR /opt/app/
COPY --from=build /opt/app/target/bookCatalog-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar", "api"]
Using this approach, we got an overall Docker image size of about 370 MB.
That's not enough? We can do better.
Java 9 introduced a new level of abstraction above packages, the “Modules”. A module is a uniquely named, reusable group of related packages. Java modularization help us to “build” our own JDK.
We're going to use 2 tools that have been added to the JDK:
- Jdeps, the Java class dependency analyzer
- Jlink, the tool to assemble and optimize a set of modules and their dependencies into a custom runtime image.
The main issue with Spring Boot is that it creates a fat JAR for out application containing all the dependencies. There are multiple ways to determine which modules the application needs and all its dependencies: in this example we extract all the dependencies by using jar xf command. Once extracted, the dependencies are used by Jdeps.
The Jdeps analysis ends up with the following dependencies:
java.base, java.compiler, java.datatransfer, java.desktop, java.instrument, java.logging,,
java.naming,, java.prefs, java.rmi, java.scripting, ,
java.sql, java.sql.rowset, java.transaction.xa, java.xml, jdk.jfr,, jdk.unsupported
Our custom JRE will be based on them.
The complete Dockerfile looks like:
# Custom jre build
FROM maven:3.8.8-amazoncorretto-17 AS build
COPY . /opt/app/
WORKDIR /opt/app/
RUN mvn package -DskipTests
# Extract the application dependencies
RUN jar xf target/bookCatalog-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# Analyze the dependencies contained into the fat jar
RUN jdeps --ignore-missing-deps -q \
--recursive \
--multi-release 17 \
--print-module-deps \
--class-path 'BOOT-INF/lib/*' \
target/bookCatalog-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar >
# Create the custom JRE
RUN jlink \
-- verbose \
--add-modules $(cat \
--compress 2 \
--no-header-files \
--no-man-pages \
--output /custom_jre
# Use the custom jre as a base image
FROM debian:buster-slim
ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk
COPY --from=build /custom_jre $JAVA_HOME
COPY --from=build /opt/app/target/bookCatalog-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar", "api"]
This time we got an overall Docker image size of about 190 MB. Compared to the previous result, our image weights half!
We often struggle with the size of the Docker images when deploying Java applications in Docker containers. Starting from Java 9 we can use Jlink, the useful tool to assemble and optimize a set of modules and their dependencies into a custom runtime image. Working with smaller Docker images brings several benefits:
- financial: our applications require less space
- performance: containers start-up is faster
- security: images that contain fewer artifacts are more secure
The comparison between the two Docker images obtained with our Dockerfiles |