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Add tint screen function to indicate damage
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Add duck exercise
Change stage to the new retro outdoor stage
  • Loading branch information
mgschwan committed May 11, 2020
1 parent 60a9865 commit 767e6a0
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Showing 24 changed files with 731 additions and 6 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions godot_project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,3 +66,11 @@ func _process(delta):
uinterval += 1
#if uinterval % 50 == 0:
# print ("%.2f "%avg_y + " %.2f"%average_interval + " Steps: %d"%steps +" Speed %.2f"%self.get_running_speed())

func tint_screen(duration):

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions godot_project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ func _ready():
get_node("BurpeeSwitch").value = ProjectSettings.get("game/exercise/burpees")

get_node("DuckSwitch").value = ProjectSettings.get("game/exercise/duck")

func set_main_text(text):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,3 +73,7 @@ func _on_PushupSwitch_toggled(value):

func _on_BurpeeSwitch_toggled(value):
ProjectSettings.set("game/exercise/burpees", value)

func _on_DuckSwitch_toggled(value):
ProjectSettings.set("game/exercise/duck", value)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions godot_project/Levelselect.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,6 +223,11 @@ transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.0963057, 1.252, -0.923 )
ontext = "Burpees on"
offtext = "Burpees off"

[node name="DuckSwitch" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 3 )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.096, 1.523, -0.923 )
ontext = "Ducking on"
offtext = "Ducking off"

[node name="HandPalm" type="MeshInstance" parent="."]
transform = Transform( -0.266796, -0.137152, -0.0100947, 0.00230991, 0.00213046, -0.999945, 0.137166, -0.266805, -0.00279537, 0.676758, 1.64896, 1.08787 )
mesh = SubResource( 7 )
Expand All @@ -236,3 +241,4 @@ transform = Transform( -4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -1.0466
[connection signal="toggled" from="SquatSwitch" to="." method="_on_SquatSwitch_toggled"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="PushupSwitch" to="." method="_on_PushupSwitch_toggled"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="BurpeeSwitch" to="." method="_on_BurpeeSwitch_toggled"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="DuckSwitch" to="." method="_on_DuckSwitch_toggled"]
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions godot_project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ var hand_cue_offset = 0.60
var jump_offset = 0.42
var player_height = 0
var run_point_multiplier = 1
var beast_mode
var beast_mode = false
var ducking_mode = false
var stand_avoid_head_cue = 0.5
var redistribution_speed = 0.025

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ func _ready():

beast_mode = ProjectSettings.get("game/beast_mode")
ducking_mode = ProjectSettings.get("game/exercise/duck")

cue_emitter_state = get_start_exercise()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,9 +521,16 @@ func handle_stand_cues(target_time):
if rng.randf() < stand_avoid_head_cue:
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head-0.4, y_head, target_time)
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head+0.4, y_head, target_time)
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head, y_head, target_time, 0.4)
if abs(x_head) > 0.3:
#If the head is far out, make the blockade diagonal
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head-sign(x_head)*0.4, y_head, target_time)
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head-sign(x_head)*0.2, y_head, target_time, 0.3)
#Otherwise make it straight
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head-0.3, y_head, target_time, 0.6)
create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head+0.3, y_head, target_time, 0.6)

create_and_attach_cue("head_avoid", x_head, y_head, target_time, 0.6)
create_and_attach_cue("head", x_head, y_head, target_time)

Expand Down
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion godot_project/Main.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=22 format=2]
[gd_scene load_steps=24 format=2]

[ext_resource path="res://" type="Script" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://" type="Script" id=2]
Expand All @@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
[sub_resource type="SphereShape" id=1]
radius = 0.2

[sub_resource type="CubeMesh" id=4]

[sub_resource type="SpatialMaterial" id=5]
flags_transparent = true
flags_unshaded = true
params_cull_mode = 2
albedo_color = Color( 0.752941, 0, 0, 0.345098 )

[sub_resource type="SphereShape" id=2]

[sub_resource type="SphereMesh" id=3]
Expand All @@ -44,6 +52,12 @@ shape = SubResource( 1 )
stream = ExtResource( 16 )
volume_db = 3.969

[node name="ScreenTint" type="MeshInstance" parent="ARVROrigin/ARVRCamera"]
transform = Transform( 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 )
visible = false
mesh = SubResource( 4 )
material/0 = SubResource( 5 )

[node name="left_controller" type="ARVRController" parent="ARVROrigin"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.5, 1.6, 0 )
script = ExtResource( 4 )
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion godot_project/ToggleSwitch.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
[ext_resource path="res://models/claw_metal.material" type="Material" id=6]

[sub_resource type="BoxShape" id=1]
extents = Vector3( 0.0951286, 0.110867, 0.00811744 )
extents = Vector3( 0.0776907, 0.091341, 0.00811744 )

[sub_resource type="CubeMesh" id=2]
size = Vector3( 0.2, 0.1, 0.1 )
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions godot_project/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ var vr_mode = true
var beast_mode = false
export var record_tracker_data = false

var screen_tint_node

var left_controller
var right_controller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ func setup_globals():
ProjectSettings.set("game/exercise/pushup", true)
ProjectSettings.set("game/exercise/crunch", true)
ProjectSettings.set("game/exercise/burpees", false)
ProjectSettings.set("game/exercise/duck", true)

func _initialize_OVR_API():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ func initialize():
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
screen_tint_node = get_node("ARVROrigin/ARVRCamera/ScreenTint")
splashscreen.head_node = get_node("ARVROrigin/ARVRCamera")
splashscreen.connect("splash_screen_finished", self,"_on_Splashscreen_finished")
Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions godot_project/VRWorkout_mat.tscn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=2]

[ext_resource path="res://models/lambert8SG.material" type="Material" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://assets/vrworkout_logo_cracked.jpg" type="Texture" id=2]

[sub_resource type="ArrayMesh" id=1]
resource_name = "Object_4"
surfaces/0 = {
"aabb": AABB( -8.58742, 0.340371, -12.6578, 18.9909, 0.630685, 16.0455 ),
"array_data": PoolByteArray( 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 137, 62, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 110, 61, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 110, 61, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 137, 62, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 136, 62, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 110, 61, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 177, 216, 89, 0, 158, 43, 189, 129, 27, 69, 206, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 184, 60, 172, 0, 47, 184, 164, 129, 223, 69, 198, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 184, 60, 84, 0, 209, 73, 164, 129, 28, 69, 199, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 177, 216, 89, 0, 158, 43, 189, 129, 27, 69, 206, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 177, 216, 167, 0, 98, 214, 188, 129, 225, 69, 205, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 184, 60, 172, 0, 47, 184, 164, 129, 223, 69, 198, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 184, 60, 84, 0, 209, 73, 164, 129, 28, 69, 199, 63, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 79, 216, 89, 0, 98, 42, 188, 129, 26, 69, 41, 60, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 177, 216, 89, 0, 158, 43, 189, 129, 27, 69, 206, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 184, 60, 84, 0, 209, 73, 164, 129, 28, 69, 199, 63, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 72, 60, 84, 0, 47, 72, 164, 129, 28, 69, 49, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 79, 216, 89, 0, 98, 42, 188, 129, 26, 69, 41, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 72, 60, 84, 0, 47, 72, 164, 129, 28, 69, 49, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 79, 216, 167, 0, 158, 213, 189, 129, 224, 69, 40, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 79, 216, 89, 0, 98, 42, 188, 129, 26, 69, 41, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 72, 60, 84, 0, 47, 72, 164, 129, 28, 69, 49, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 72, 60, 172, 0, 209, 183, 164, 129, 222, 69, 48, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 79, 216, 167, 0, 158, 213, 189, 129, 224, 69, 40, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 72, 60, 172, 0, 209, 183, 164, 129, 222, 69, 48, 60, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 177, 216, 167, 0, 98, 214, 188, 129, 225, 69, 205, 63, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 79, 216, 167, 0, 158, 213, 189, 129, 224, 69, 40, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 72, 60, 172, 0, 209, 183, 164, 129, 222, 69, 48, 60, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 184, 60, 172, 0, 47, 184, 164, 129, 223, 69, 198, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 177, 216, 167, 0, 98, 214, 188, 129, 225, 69, 205, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 184, 60, 84, 0, 209, 73, 164, 129, 28, 69, 199, 63, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 7, 126, 8, 0, 5, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 56, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 72, 60, 84, 0, 47, 72, 164, 129, 28, 69, 49, 60, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 184, 60, 84, 0, 209, 73, 164, 129, 28, 69, 199, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 249, 126, 8, 0, 251, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 191, 63, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 7, 126, 8, 0, 5, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 56, 60, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 249, 126, 248, 0, 5, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 190, 63, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 72, 60, 172, 0, 209, 183, 164, 129, 222, 69, 48, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 7, 126, 248, 0, 251, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 55, 60, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 249, 126, 248, 0, 5, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 190, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 184, 60, 172, 0, 47, 184, 164, 129, 223, 69, 198, 63, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 72, 60, 172, 0, 209, 183, 164, 129, 222, 69, 48, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 72, 60, 84, 0, 47, 72, 164, 129, 28, 69, 49, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 7, 126, 248, 0, 251, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 55, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 72, 60, 172, 0, 209, 183, 164, 129, 222, 69, 48, 60, 251, 241, 37, 65, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 72, 60, 84, 0, 47, 72, 164, 129, 28, 69, 49, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 7, 126, 8, 0, 5, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 56, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 7, 126, 248, 0, 251, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 55, 60, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 184, 60, 172, 0, 47, 184, 164, 129, 223, 69, 198, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 249, 126, 8, 0, 251, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 191, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 194, 21, 87, 64, 184, 60, 84, 0, 209, 73, 164, 129, 28, 69, 199, 63, 48, 227, 8, 193, 35, 247, 60, 63, 166, 23, 74, 193, 184, 60, 172, 0, 47, 184, 164, 129, 223, 69, 198, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 249, 126, 248, 0, 5, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 190, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 249, 126, 8, 0, 251, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 191, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 28, 69, 174, 62, 58, 120, 79, 64, 204, 161, 64, 0, 144, 25, 203, 129, 25, 69, 209, 63, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 79, 216, 89, 0, 98, 42, 188, 129, 26, 69, 41, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 28, 69, 174, 62, 58, 120, 79, 64, 52, 161, 64, 0, 112, 24, 202, 129, 25, 69, 38, 60, 87, 162, 6, 193, 28, 69, 174, 62, 58, 120, 79, 64, 204, 161, 64, 0, 144, 25, 203, 129, 25, 69, 209, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 177, 216, 89, 0, 158, 43, 189, 129, 27, 69, 206, 63, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 79, 216, 89, 0, 98, 42, 188, 129, 26, 69, 41, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 28, 69, 174, 62, 58, 120, 79, 64, 52, 161, 64, 0, 112, 24, 202, 129, 25, 69, 38, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 79, 216, 167, 0, 158, 213, 189, 129, 224, 69, 40, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 28, 69, 174, 62, 69, 48, 72, 193, 52, 161, 192, 0, 144, 231, 204, 129, 226, 69, 38, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 28, 69, 174, 62, 58, 120, 79, 64, 52, 161, 64, 0, 112, 24, 202, 129, 25, 69, 38, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 79, 216, 89, 0, 98, 42, 188, 129, 26, 69, 41, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 79, 216, 167, 0, 158, 213, 189, 129, 224, 69, 40, 60, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 177, 216, 167, 0, 98, 214, 188, 129, 225, 69, 205, 63, 31, 177, 35, 65, 28, 69, 174, 62, 69, 48, 72, 193, 52, 161, 192, 0, 144, 231, 204, 129, 226, 69, 38, 60, 219, 116, 38, 65, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 79, 216, 167, 0, 158, 213, 189, 129, 224, 69, 40, 60, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 177, 216, 167, 0, 98, 214, 188, 129, 225, 69, 205, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 28, 69, 174, 62, 69, 48, 72, 193, 204, 161, 192, 0, 112, 232, 202, 129, 226, 69, 209, 63, 31, 177, 35, 65, 28, 69, 174, 62, 69, 48, 72, 193, 52, 161, 192, 0, 144, 231, 204, 129, 226, 69, 38, 60, 87, 162, 6, 193, 28, 69, 174, 62, 69, 48, 72, 193, 204, 161, 192, 0, 112, 232, 202, 129, 226, 69, 209, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 177, 216, 89, 0, 158, 43, 189, 129, 27, 69, 206, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 28, 69, 174, 62, 58, 120, 79, 64, 204, 161, 64, 0, 144, 25, 203, 129, 25, 69, 209, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 28, 69, 174, 62, 69, 48, 72, 193, 204, 161, 192, 0, 112, 232, 202, 129, 226, 69, 209, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 57, 134, 74, 193, 177, 216, 167, 0, 98, 214, 188, 129, 225, 69, 205, 63, 16, 102, 9, 193, 128, 156, 8, 63, 7, 208, 88, 64, 177, 216, 89, 0, 158, 43, 189, 129, 27, 69, 206, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 249, 126, 8, 0, 251, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 191, 63, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 2, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 199, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 7, 126, 8, 0, 5, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 56, 60, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 249, 126, 8, 0, 251, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 191, 63, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 254, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 48, 63, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 2, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 199, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 7, 126, 8, 0, 5, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 56, 60, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 2, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 199, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 7, 126, 248, 0, 251, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 55, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 7, 126, 8, 0, 5, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 56, 60, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 2, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 199, 60, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 2, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 199, 60, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 7, 126, 248, 0, 251, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 55, 60, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 254, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 47, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 249, 126, 248, 0, 5, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 190, 63, 31, 177, 35, 65, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 7, 126, 248, 0, 251, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 55, 60, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 2, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 199, 60, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 254, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 47, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 249, 126, 248, 0, 5, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 190, 63, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 254, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 48, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 58, 120, 79, 64, 249, 126, 8, 0, 251, 8, 130, 129, 30, 69, 191, 63, 87, 162, 6, 193, 107, 39, 82, 63, 69, 48, 72, 193, 249, 126, 248, 0, 5, 248, 130, 129, 221, 69, 190, 63, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 254, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 47, 63, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 254, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 48, 63, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 254, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 48, 63, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 110, 61, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 2, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 199, 60, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 254, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 48, 63, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 137, 62, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 110, 61, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 2, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 199, 60, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 110, 61, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 2, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 199, 60, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 2, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 199, 60, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 110, 61, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 110, 61, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 2, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 199, 60, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 136, 62, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 254, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 47, 63, 151, 213, 232, 64, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 2, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 199, 60, 206, 27, 117, 64, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 110, 61, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 136, 62, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 254, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 47, 63, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 137, 62, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 180, 204, 62, 63, 254, 126, 2, 0, 0, 2, 130, 129, 60, 69, 48, 63, 9, 184, 174, 192, 181, 164, 111, 63, 2, 63, 32, 193, 254, 126, 254, 0, 0, 254, 130, 129, 191, 69, 47, 63, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 9, 81, 227, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 155, 69, 136, 62, 172, 224, 0, 192, 120, 150, 120, 63, 206, 166, 10, 192, 0, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 130, 129, 96, 69, 137, 62 ),
"array_index_data": PoolByteArray( ),
"blend_shape_data": [ ],
"format": 97303,
"index_count": 0,
"material": ExtResource( 1 ),
"primitive": 4,
"skeleton_aabb": [ ],
"vertex_count": 126

[sub_resource type="OpenSimplexNoise" id=2]
octaves = 4
period = 0.1
persistence = 0.444
lacunarity = 1.87

[sub_resource type="NoiseTexture" id=3]
noise = SubResource( 2 )

[sub_resource type="SpatialMaterial" id=4]
albedo_color = Color( 0.329412, 0.317647, 0.317647, 1 )
albedo_texture = SubResource( 3 )
metallic_specular = 0.0
roughness = 0.83
detail_enabled = true
detail_blend_mode = 1
detail_uv_layer = 0
detail_albedo = ExtResource( 2 )
uv1_triplanar_sharpness = 0.297302
uv2_scale = Vector3( 0, 1, 1 )

[node name="VRWorkout_mat" type="MeshInstance"]
transform = Transform( -1, 0, -3.25841e-07, 0, 1, 0, 3.25841e-07, 0, -1, 3.01882, -0.809181, -9.83026 )
mesh = SubResource( 1 )
material/0 = SubResource( 4 )
Binary file added godot_project/assets/distance_gradient.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added godot_project/assets/distance_gradient_color.jpg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added godot_project/assets/sun_gradient.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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