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Automation Hat

Node.js project to support Pimoroni Automation Hat (

The node version support and the corresponding version of this library are listed in the table below.

Automation Hat Version Supported Node Versions
1 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
2.0 16, 17, 18, 19
2.1+ 16, 17, 18,19, 20

Supported functionality:

  • Led lights
  • Relays
  • Digital Output
  • Digital Input

Currently not supported

  • Analog Input


Simply run

npm i automation-hat

How to Use

Automation Hat

To simply use the whole library create an instance of the AutomationHat class. This class has all other functionality of the Automation Hat already configured but disabled (except for the led lights).

const automationHat = new AutomationHat();

To enable modules you simple call the .SERVICE.enable() method. Services are disabled by default to save the LEDs life when not in use (eg no led for the relays) and in the name of general performance.

However if you only need one part of the Automation Hat you can create instances of the following services:

  • LightService
  • RelayService
  • DigitalInputService
  • DigitalOutputService
  • AnalogInputService (NOTE: Analog Input Service has not been completed)

WARN: When creating instances of the services yourself ensure that you only create singleton (one of each) instances. Creating multiple LightService for example may have unknown behaviour or errors. You have been warned!

Light Service

The LightService looks after all the led lights. There is a property for each led light on the Automation Hat (e.g. LightService.power for the power led).

You can create an instance of the light service like this

const lightService = new LightService()

Each light has the following properties:

Property Description
state on or off

Each light has the following methods:

Method Description
off() Turn a light off
on() Turn a light on
toggle() Toggle a light (off -> on, on -> off)
update() Update the state of all lights. Light state will not change unless this method is called!

Relay Service

The RelayService looks after all the relays. There is a property for each relay. For example RelayService.relay1.

To create an instance of the relay service you have to pass in an instance of the LightService.

const lightService = new LightService();
const relayService = new RelayService(lightService);

The RelayService has the following methods:

Each light has the following methods:

Method Description
disable() Disables relay control and turns off relay lights
enable() Enables relay control. Defaults to NC/off

Each relay has the following properties:

Property Description
state on or off. on is NO (Normally Open) and off if NC (Normally Closed)

Each relay has the following methods:

Method Description
off() Turn a relay off (i.e. NC)
on() Turn a relay on (i.e. NO)
toggle() Toggle a relay (off -> on, on -> off)

Digital Input Service

The DigitalInputService looks after all the digital inputs. There is a property for each digital input. For example DigitalInputService.input1.

To create an instance of the digital input service you have to pass in an instance of the LightService.

const lightService = new LightService();
const digitalInputService = new DigitalInputService(lightService);

The DigitalInputService has the following methods:

Method Description
read() read all digital inputs value and set it's state

Each digital input has the following properties:

Property Description
state low or high

Each digal input has the following methods:

Method Description
read() Read the digital input's value and set it's state

Digital Output Service

The DigitalOutputService looks after all the digital outputs. There is a property for each digital output. For example DigitalOutputService.output1.

To create an instance of the digital output service you have to pass in an instance of the LightService.

const lightService = new LightService();
const digitalOutputService = new DigitalOutputService(lightService);

The DigitalOutputService has the following methods:

Method Description
disable() Disables digital output control and sets all the outputs to low
enable() Enables digital output control. Defaults to low

Each digital output has the following properties:

Property Description
state low or high

Each digital output has the following methods:

Method Description
high() Set a digital ouput high
low() Set a digital ouput low
toggle() Toggle a digital ouptut (low -> high, high -> low)

Analog Input Service

NOTE: The analog input service has not been implemented. However this is the general thought/direction and may yet have breaking changes

The AnalogInputService looks after all the analog inputs. There is a property for each analog input. For example AnalogInputService.input1.

To create an instance of the analog input service you have to pass in an instance of the LightService.

const lightService = new LightService();
const analogInputService = new AnalogInputService(lightService);

The AnalogInputService has the following methods:

Method Description
disable() Disables analog input reading and turns off analog input lights
enable() Enables analog input reading


Find a bug or want to contribute, simply clone this repository and submit a pull request.


Node.js project to support Pimoroni Automation Hat







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