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Using gu.bat on Microsoft Windows (deprecated)

Squeak project TruffleSqueak is a Squeak/Smalltalk implementation for the GraalVM.
This document presents gu.bat, a batch file we wrote as a substitute for Oracle's GraalVM Updater on a Windows machine.

This document is part of a series of topics related to TruffleSqueak on Windows:

Project dependencies

This project depends on the following external software for the Microsoft Windows platform:

For instance our development environment looks as follows (July 2024) 1:

C:\opt\Git\                      (358 MB)
C:\opt\graalvm-ce-java1-22.3.0\  (360 MB)

Installation policy
When possible we install software from a Zip archive rather than via a Windows installer. In our case we defined C:\opt\ as the installation directory for optional software tools (in reference to the /opt/ directory on Unix).

Directory structure

This project is organized as follows:



We also define a virtual drive Q: in our working environment in order to reduce/hide the real path of our project directory (see article "Windows command prompt limitation" from Microsoft Support).

🔎 We use the Windows external command subst to create virtual drives; for instance:

> subst Q: %USERPROFILE%\workspace\trufflesqueak-examples

In the next section we give a brief overview of batch file gu.bat.

gu.bat overview

We wrote batch command gu.bat as a substitute for Oracle's GraalVM Updater on a Windows machine [2].

Starting with version 20.0 command gu.cmd is part of the GraalVM distribution; Windows users can should use gu.cmd instead gu.bat.

In short gu.bat:

  • implements a subset of the commands featured by Oracle's GraalVM Updater.
  • works properly given one the following two requirements is met:
    • the environment variable GRAAL_HOME is defined or
    • gu.bat is located in directory <graalvm-dir>\bin\.
  • contains ~850 lines of batch code including a few lines of PowerShell code.

Command gu -h (or gu --help) prints the following help message:

> where gu
> gu -h
Usage: gu command {<option>} {<param>}
    available [-l] <expr>            List components in the component catalog.
    info [-cL] <param>               Print component information (from file, URL or catalog).
    install [-0AcfiLnoru] {<param>}  Install specified components (from file, URL or catalog).
    list [-cl] <expr>                List installed components.
    rebuild-images                   Rebuild native images.
    remove [-0fx] <id>               Remove component (ID).
    update [-x][<ver>][<param>]      Upgrade to the recent GraalVM version.
  Options supported by all commands:
    -d, --debug                      Show commands executed by this script.
    -h, --help                       Display this help message or a command specific help message.
    -v, --verbose                    Display progress messages.
    -0, --dry-run                    Dry run. Do not change any files.
    -A, --auto-yes                   Say YES or ACCEPT to a question.
    -c, --catalog                    Treat parameters as component IDs from catalog. This is the default.
    -f, --force                      Disable (un-)installation checks.
    -i, --fail-existing              Fail if the to be installed component already exists.
    -L, --local-file                 Treat parameters as local filenames.
    -l, --list-files                 List files.
    -n, --no-progress                Do not display download progress.
    -o, --overwrite                  Silently overwrite already existing component.
    -p, --paths                      Display full paths in lists.
    -r, --replace                    Replace different files.
    -u, --url                        Treat parameters as URLs.
    -x, --ignore                     Do not terminate uninstall on failed file deletions.

🔎 The definition of the above commands and options is based on the following documentation:

Oracle's GraalVM Updater features seven commands and supports both long and short options ("switches").

In the next section we present usage examples of commands currently implemented in gu.bat.

gu.bat commands

gu.bat available

Command gu.bat available with not argument displays components available from the GraalVM Catalog [4] which fit in our environment. For instance we get the following output with a GraalVM 21.2.0 installation on a Unix machine:

> gu available
Downloading: Component catalog toolchain Image

🔎 The address of the GraalVM Catalog is stored in file %GRAAL_HOME%\release :

> type %GRAAL_HOME%\release | findstr /b component_catalog

Command gu.bat available python r with arguments python and r displays components available from the GraalVM Catalog which fit our environment:

> gu available python r
Downloading: Component catalog

Command gu.bat available -l python r with option -l instead displays their URL addresses:

> gu available -l python r
Downloading: Component catalog

gu.bat info

Command gu.bat info prints component information from file, URL or catalog.

> gu info -h
Usage: gu info [-cdhlLprstuv] {<param>}
Print component information from file, URL or catalog.
    -c, --catalog     Treat parameters as component IDs from catalog. This is the default.
    -d, --debug       Show commands executed by this script.
    -h, --help        Display this help message.
    -L, --local-file  Treat parameters as local filenames of packaged components.
    -u, --url         Treat parameters as URLs.
    -v, --verbose     Enable verbose output.

Command gu.bat info -L ruby displays component information for the installed component ruby:

> gu info -L ruby
Component: ruby

gu.bat install

Command gu.bat install installs GraalVM installable components from three different sources, namely:

  • from a catalog (default, option -c)
  • from a local component archive (option -L)
  • from a remote component archive (option -u)

🔎 Options -c, -L and -u are mutual exclusive:

> gu install -cL python
Error: --catalog(-c), --local-file(-L) and --url(-u) options are mutual exclusive
> gu install -h
Usage: gu install [-0cdfhiLnorv] {<param>}
Install specified components from file, URL or catalog.
    -0, --dry-run        Dry run. Do not change any files.
    -c, --catalog        Treat parameters as component IDs from catalog (default).
    -d, --debug          Show commands executed by this script.
    -f, --force          Disable installation checks.
    -h, --help           Display this help message.
    -i, --fail-existing  Fail if the to be installed component already exists.
    -L, --local-file     Treat parameters as local filenames of packaged components.
    -n, --no-progress    Do not display download progress.
    -o, --overwrite      Silently overwrite previously installed component.
    -r, --replace        Replace different files.
    -u, --url            Treat parameters as URLs.
    -v, --verbose        Enable verbose output.

Installation from a catalog

Command gu.bat -v install python adds the GraalPython component to our GraalVM environment:

> gu install -v python
Downloading: Component catalog
Processing component archive: Component python
Downloading: Component python-installable-svm-linux-amd64-22.3.0.jar
Install remote component python-installable-svm-linux-amd64-22.3.0.jar
Extract GraalVM component into directory %TEMP%\graal-updater\tmp
Create file %TEMP%\graal-updater\tmp\bin\graalpython.cmd
Create file %TEMP%\graal-updater\tmp\jre\bin\graalpython.cmd
Component ready to be installed in c:\opt\graalvm-ce-java11-22.3.0
Do you really want to add the component into directory c:\opt\graalvm-ce-java11-22.3.0 (y/*)? y
Install GraalVM component into directory c:\opt\graalvm-ce-java11-22.3.0

🔎 In the above output path %TEMP%\graal-updater is the working directory used by command gu.bat:

> dir /a-d %TEMP%\graal-updater | findstr /r /c:"^[^ ]"
23.10.2019  14:51           133 318
23.10.2019  09:43        65 156 656 python-installable-svm-linux-amd64-22.3.0.jar

Installation from a local component archive

Command gu.bat install -L trufflesqueak-component.jar adds the TruffleSqueak component to our GraalVM environment.

> echo %GRAAL_HOME%
> curl -sL -o trufflesqueak-component.jar
> gu install -L trufflesqueak-component.jar
Install local component trufflesqueak-component.jar
Do you really want to add the component into directory C:\opt\graalvm-ce-java11-22.3.0 (y/*)? y

Adding option -A skips user confirmation before proceeding with the installation:

> gu install -AL trufflesqueak-component.jar
Install local component trufflesqueak-component.jar

Installation from a remote component archive

Command gu.bat install -uv https://../trufflesqueak-component-1.0.0-rc9-for-GraalVM-20.2.1.jar adds the TruffleSqueak component to our GraalVM environment.

> gu install -u trufflesqueak-installable-java8-windows-amd64-22.3.0.jar
Install remote component trufflesqueak-installable-java8-windows-amd64-22.3.0.jar
Do you really want to add the component into directory C:\opt\graalvm-ce-java8-22.3.0 (y/*)? y
Install GraalVM component into directory C:\opt\graalvm-ce-java8-22.3.0

gu.bat list

Command gu.bat list prints the components installed in our GraalVM environment:

> echo %GRAAL_HOME%
> gu list
component graalpython
component fastr
component truffleruby
component trufflesqueak

Command gu.bat list -c is equivalent to gu.bat available; it displays components available from the GraalVM Catalog [4] which fit in our environment.

gu.bat rebuild-images

We have no further plans to implement command gu.bat rebuild-images.

> gu.bat rebuild-images
Command rebuild-images not yet implemented
(current GraalVM version: "22.3.0")

gu.bat remove

Command gu remove removes the installed component specified by its component ID.

> gu remove -h
Usage: gu remove [-0dfhxv] <param>
Remove component (ID).

    -0, --dry-run     Dry run. Do not change any files.
    -d, --debug       Show commands executed by this script.
    -f, --force       Disable uninstallation checks (eg. non-matching versions).
    -h, --help        Display this help message.
    -x, --ignore      Do not terminate uninstall on failed file deletions.
    -v, --verbose     Enable verbose output.

We have no further plans to implement command gu.bat remove.

> gu remove
Command remove not yet implemented
(current GraalVM version: "22.3.0")

gu.bat update

Command gu update upgrades our environment to the specified GraalVM version.

> gu update -h
Usage: gu update [-dhvx] [<ver>] [<param>]
Upgrade to the recent GraalVM version.

    -d, --debug       Show commands executed by this script.
    -h, --help        Display this help message.
    -v, --verbose     Enable verbose output.
    -x, --ignore      Do not terminate uninstall on failed file deletions.

We have no further plans to implement command gu.bat update.

> gu update
Command update not yet implemented
(current GraalVM version: "22.3.0")


gu.bat is released under the MIT License.


[1] Downloads

In our case we downloaded the following installation files (see section 1):

trufflesqueak-installable-svm-java11-windows-amd64-22.3.0.jar  (35 MB)                 (154 MB)
PortableGit-2.41.0-64-bit.7z.exe                    ( 41 MB)  ( 33 MB)

[2] GraalVM Updater

Command gu is not yet supported on Microsoft Windows, so we currently run our own (stripped down) command bin\gu.bat to add the TruffleSqueak component (e.g. archive file trufflesqueak-component.jar) to our GraalVM environment (e.g. c:\opt\graalvm-ce-java8-22.3.0\).

[3] Preinstalled components

Component GraalJS is preinstalled in the GraalVM environment. It is a ECMAScript 2019 compliant Javascript implementation built on GraalVM (with Polyglot language interoperability support).

> where /r c:\opt\graalvm-ce-java11-22.3.0 js.cmd
> js --version
GraalVM JavaScript (GraalVM CE Native 22.3.0)

[4] GraalVM Catalog

At the time of writing the GraalVM Catalog contains no component for the Windows platform.
Components currently available are:

IDVersion(s)Supported platform(s)
20.0, 20.1, 20.2, 21.0, 21.1, 22.1
linux_amd64, macos_amd64
native_image19.0, 19.1, 19.2
20.0, 20.1, 21.1, 22.1
linux_amd64, macos_amd64, windows (20.0+)
python19.0, 19.1, 19.2
19.3, 20.0, 20.1, 21.1
linux_amd64, macos_amd64
r19.0, 19.1, 19.2
19.3, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2, 21.0
linux_amd64, macos_amd64
ruby19.0, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3
20.0, 20.1, 21.1
linux_amd64, macos_amd64
wasm20.0, 20.1, 20.2, 21.0, 21.1linux_amd64, macos_amd64

mics/July 2024