Author: Mick Miller
Date: 2020-12-16
This bash script was built primarily to migrate a ton of secrets from an old, open-source version of Vault to Vault Enterprise. Surprisingly, there was no migration tool available from Hashicorp at the time of this work, so I created one.
- The config.json file
- Installation instructions
- Running the script
- Useful commands and random-ish stuff
- References
- Acknowledgements
A couple of notes before diving in:
- Back up your source secrets engine(s).
- Understand what this script is doing before you run it and tweak as needed.
- You will need to configure the config.json file for your specific use case.
NOTE: You may notice the pattern
# echo "DEBUG ${LINENO}: "Some string"
in the script. This is used for debugging the script. I left them in for you in case you wanted to trace the code; sorry if it irritates you.
This configuration file is used to reduce the amount of command line arguments and limit the arguments to:
- The path to find the secrets; and
- Not storing the tokens in the configurations or code.
"type_val": "general",
"src_url": "",
"dest_url": "",
"tmp_file": "./tmp.json",
Key | Value |
type_value |
The type of secrets engine in the source vault instance |
src_url |
The source vault instance URL |
dest_url |
the destination vault instance URL |
tmp_file |
The name of the output temp JSON file; you should not need to change this value |
config_file |
The name of this file |
The code assumes that both the Hashi Vault client and jq are installed before you start and tests for the presence of both.
If you are using the Homebrew package manager on mac OS, run the following:
$ brew install jq
$ brew install vault
This script has not been tested on Windows or Linux, only macOS. I will test Ubuntu at some point and refactor as needed.
# Clone the repo and then change to the directory.
$ git clone <this repo url>
$ cd vault_kv_migration
# Run the script
$ -s "${SRC_TOKEN}" -d "${DEST_TOKEN}" -p "${VAULT_PATH}"
Format : ./ {source token} {destination token} {path}
Example: ./ -s xxxxxxx -d xxxxxxx -p /secret/cnn/
Note : A trailing slash in path is required."
Command line arguments description
$ -s "${SRC_TOKEN}" -d "${DEST_TOKEN}" -p "${VAULT_PATH}"
Format : ./ {source token} {destination token} {path}
Example: ./ -s xxxxxxx -d xxxxxxx -p /secret/cnn/
Note : A trailing slash in path is required."
export VAULT_ADDR=
vault login -method=ldap mount=ad username=mick
View login name**
TOKEN=$(vault print token) | vault token lookup $TOKEN
I know; strange, but effective.
rm ~/.vault-token
vault status
vault secrets enable -path=kv kv-v2
vault kv enable-versioning kv
vault write kv/config max_versions=4
vault write auth/ad/groups/admin-group policies=admins,app1,app1
vault write auth/ad/groups/app-group policies=app1,app2
vault read auth/ad/groups/admin-group
vault read auth/ad/groups/app-group
vault list auth/ad/groups
vault policy write admins ./admins-policy.hcl
vault policy list
vault policy read admins
vault kv put kv/anthos/test test=12345
vault kv put kv/gcp/test test=12345
vault kv list kv/anthos
vault kv list kv/gcp
vault kv list -format=json kv/gcp
Below are a couple of good references for learning the Terraform Vault provider information:
Many thanks to the following folks:
- agaudreault-jive (hashicorp/vault#5275)
- user2599522 (
- kir4h (