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Case Studies

Malcolm Stewart edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 5 revisions

Case Studies

This section contains a number of case studies that you may be able to use to resolve your own connectivity issues.

Note: IP addresses and machine names have been obfuscated into the, 172.[16-31], or range with generic names, such as SQLPROD01.CONTOSO.COM.
Note: Traces shown are parsed using NETMON 3.4.

Enable NETMON 3.4 to Parse SQL Servers on Ports other than 1433

In many cases, SQL Server is not listening on port 1433. Since there is no special code in TCP to indicate the sub-protocol type, the parser is hard-coded to interpret traffic on port 1433 as SQL Server traffic.

Change NETMON Parser Port for SQL Server

Connection Timeout

NTLM Connection Timeout due to Domain Controller

Intermittent Network Failure

Network Device Interferes with Always-On Connections

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