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Andrew Mee edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 1 revision


Class used for translating from UMP to a MIDI 1.0 Bytestream

Public variables

uint8_t group = 0;

Group is set to the current group of the translated UMP

Common methods

void UMPStreamParse(uint32_t UMP)

Process incoming UMP's

bool availableBS()

Check if there are available Byte Stream bytes available.

uint8_t readBS()

Return the next byte.

Example: Using umpToBytestream

umpToBytestream UMPConvertForDIN;

int main(){
        if (isUMPAvailable()) {
            uint32_t ump = get_UMP();
            while (UMPConvertForDIN.availableBS()) {
                uint8_t byte = UMPConvertForDIN.readBS();
                if ( == 0) { //Check if data is on correct group
                    //Write byte to DIN Port