The code in this repository creates a basic html page that lists several statistics about Vietnam Veterans. My inspiration for the page comes from the CIA World Factbook which provides a simple and efficient way to lookup basic facts about a country. This page attempts to do the same for the Vietnam Veteran cohort. The data source is the 2016 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Person file. The ACS person file covers 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. My intent is to build out the page by adding more ACS variables gradually.
The following R packages are required: survey, statebins and ggplot2.
Create a R project from the GitHub repository. You will need R, RStudio and Git installed on your machine. The tutorials from the RStudio Support Site and the Data Surg blog will help you get setup with these tools.
The basic idea is to get the PUMS files from the Census website and create survey objects to use for analysis. The script Code_Get_Prep_Data.R will download the US and Puerto Rico PUMS person zip files for 2011 and 2016 from the Census website. The script will unpack the csv files from the zip folder and consolidate the usa, usb and pr files. The PUMS csv files will be saved to the Raw_Data folder and have been added to the .gitignore file so that they don't get added to repository. If the files are not ignored pushes to repository will fail because of their large size. After consolidating the csv files, the script will create survey objects and subset the survey objects for Vietnam Veterans using the Military Service (MIL) and Veteran Period of Service (VPS) variables. The Vietnam Veteran survey objects are saved as Rds files (Data_per11_viet_design.Rds and Data_per16_viet_design.Rds).
If you have the PUMS csv files already take a look at lines 30-32 and lines 79-80 in the Code_Get_Prep_Data.R script. You can uncomment lines 32 and/or 81 to use any PUMS csv file. You may need to edit other lines depending on which file(s) you use.
I created a script to create a statebins map showing the distribution of Vietnam Veterans across the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Running the script will result in a svg file named viet_vet_statebin.svg which is called by the Rmd document. My thinking was that I could the reduced the time to knit the Rmd document because I usually end up knitting my Rmd many times to fix errors, typos and such.
I created the html page with a RMarkdown document named index.Rmd. I created a css file style.css to modify the style of the h2 level header. It gives the dark blue background with white color font. Otherwise the page is fairly simple, it uses the flatly theme and has a floating table of contents.