This is a library for using Twitter API from C++
you can use these endpoint
- statuses/update
- statuses/destroy/:id
- statuses/retweet/:id
- statuses/unretweet/:id
- statuses/user_timeline
- favorites/create
- favorites/destroy
- users/show
- media/upload(support: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, mp4)
- direct_messages/events/new (message_create)
- oauth/access_token
- oauth/authorize
- oauth/invalidate_token
- oauth/request_token
- oauth2/token
- oauth2/invalidate_token
- libcurl(openssl version)
- libssl
# apt install clang cmake git libboost-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev ninja-build
$ git clone
$ cd CocoaTweet
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -G Ninja
$ ninja
$ brew install cmake curl git ninja openssl pkg-config
$ git clone
$ cd CocoaTweet
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -G ninja -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<path/to/openssl/install> # CANNOT detect libssl automatically with homebrew and cmake bug
$ ninja
- Get MinGW32 from here(start download automatically at open link)
- Install
via MinGW32 - Add PATH in System Environment
- Get libcurl-32bit and OpenSSL-32bit from here
- Get ninja from here and add PATH(Optional, but build faster)
and then....
$ git clone
$ cd CocoaTweet
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
// if install ninja
$ cmake .. -G Ninja -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<path/to/openssl/install> -DCURL_ROOT_DIR=<path/to/curl/install> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mingw32-g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mingw32-gcc -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja
$ ninja
// if NOT install ninja
$ cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<path/to/openssl/install> -DCURL_ROOT_DIR=<path/to/curl/install>
$ mingw32-make
there're 4 ways to register API key
write api key into code and create Key object use it.
#include "cocoatweet/authentication/key.h"
auto consumerKey = "your consumer key";
auto consumerSecret = "your consumer secret";
auto accessToken = "your access token";
auto accessTokenSecret = "your access token secret";
CocoaTweet::Authentication::Key key(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret);
prepare file which written 'api-key' with json format.
"consumer_key" : "your consumer key",
"consumer_secret" : "your consumer secret",
"access_token" : "your access token",
"access_token_secret" : "your access token secret"
then you can load api key from json file.
#include "cocoatweet/authentication/key.h"
CocoaTweet::Authentication::Key key = CocoaTweet::Authentication::Key::fromJsonFile("api_key.json");
※ consumer key, consumer secret are needed. in this case, get access token with api call.
CocoaTweet::API::API api(key);
auto oAuthToken = api.oauth1().requestToken("oob");
const auto signInUrl = api.oauth1().authorize(oAuthToken);
std::cout << "signin : " << signInUrl << std::endl;
std::string pin = "";
std::cout << "pincode : ";
std::cin >> pin;
const auto validOAuthToken = api.oauth1().accessToken(oAuthToken, pin);
if you want to call Twitter API using Bearer Token; OAuth2, you can do. also need consumer key and secret
CocoaTweet::API::API api(key);
auto bearerToken = api.oauth2().token();
After call it, always use Bearer Token to access API which kinds of GET method.
no affect to POST method.
then, if you use this, and ONLY use kind of GET API, you DO NOT need acess token.
generating API object with Key.
this object is API entry point.
#include "cocoatweet/api/api.h"
CocoaTweet::API::API api(key);
// Post a tweet
api.status().update("Hello, World!!\nTweet from Cocoa Twitter Library");
// Upload a media
auto media1 ="path/to/file/image.jpeg");
auto media2 ="path/to/file/image2.png");
api.status().update("Upload media from Cocoa Twitter Library", std::vector<std::string>{,});
// Retweet a tweet
api.status().retweet("tweet id");
// un RT a tweet
api.status().unretweet("tweet id")
// Delete a tweet
api.status().destroy("tweet id");
// Fav. a tweet
api.favorite().create("tweet id");
// un Fav. a tweet
api.favorite().destroy("tweet id");
// get a timeline with screen name
auto timeline = api.status().userTimeline("milkcocoa0902");
auto user = api.user().show("milkcocoa0902");
// send a direct message
// you cau get recipient_id using
api.directMessage().messageCreate("<recipient_id>", "Sent message using Cocoa Twitter Library");
See API Document
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