A simple CMS with express with handlebars
This CRM uses PostgreSQL as it's database and Sequelize as the ORM for providing schema models and queries.
Be sure to have MySQL setup an running before you download.
In your terminal download the repo
git clone https://github.com/minusInfinite/devblog.git
Once cloned setup the depenencies with yarn
You will also need to edit the .env.EXAMPLE file to .env with the following
DBNAME - The database Name
DBUSER - Your server or database Username
DBPASS - Your server or database password
CSECRET - Random characters for the Session Cookie Secret
PSECRET - Cookie-Paser Secret
ADMINNAME - Admin Login Name
ADMINEMAIL - Admin Email Address
ADMINPASS - Admin Pass
ROOT - Custom Root Path
NODE_ENV - NODE Environment Mode
Once you .env is setup you should be able to run the server
npm start
Or for development
npm run dev