About Ashley Mann, aka minusInfinite
I enjoy tinkering with a number of tools, programing laguages and more. I've found it fun to make little desktop apps in the Customisation tool Rainmeter
Here is my Simple Forecast skin.
Current completing a Bootcamp programme to get over the wall of learning that is modern webdev and full-stack development. It has been a interesting challenge and a good way of getting into the deepend and not just giving up and going back to a game.
During this course I've made the following project:
- NodeBBS - A concept for a classic Buliten Board forum in Node/Express/Handlebars - https://github.com/minusInfinite/nodebbs
- Devblog - A Node/Express/Handlebars blogging Web App - https://github.com/minusInfinite/devblog
- ShazTXT - Music search via Genus API with links to Youtube content - https://github.com/minusInfinite/project-1
- Weather Dashboard - A neat dashboard to display weather data from OpenWeatherMap.org - https://github.com/minusInfinite/weather-dashboard
- Code Quiz - A simple JS application that builds a Javascript quiz - https://github.com/minusInfinite/js-coding-quiz