HeLiPR Dataset (File Player)
Explore the diverse landscapes and advanced LiDAR technology captured in our HeLiPR dataset!
🔍 See the HeLiPR LiDAR Variety
Dive into the dataset's multifaceted LiDAR variety with this informative GIF.
🌐 Understanding the HeLiPR Dataset's Necessity
Discover the challenges posed by heterogeneous LiDARs in our detailed image.
🛰️ Insight into Sensor Utilization
Get a closer look at our system setup and the sensors involved.
🌍 Diverse Scenarios Explored
Explore our collection of various sequences and environments through this visual guide.
🔗 Linking with the MulRan Dataset
Learn about the long-term place recognition capabilities in conjunction with the MulRan dataset.
Maintainer: Minwoo Jung (moonshot@snu.ac.kr)
2024/12/16: Open the ROS2 branch for HeLiPR file player. If you use the Ubuntu 22.04 (ROS2), please check the branch.
2023/12/06: Open another repository for Pointcloud processing, which name is HeLiPR-Pointcloud-Toolbox.
2023/12/05: We post some images to help readers understand the HeLiPR dataset.
2023/09/26: Link for paper now available (arxiv version)
2023/08/17: Link for HeLiPR dataset now available.
2023/08/15: Repository for HeLiPR file player now available.
We're diligently working to upload the dataset link. This paper is under-reviewed, but readers can be found our paper in arxiv. If user wants to utilize the undistortion or accumulation of pointcloud from .bin file, please visite the HeLiPR-Pointcloud-Toolbox.
Before utilizing the file player, it's crucial to have both the novatel-gps-msgs
and livox
custom messages. Ensure you install these drivers:
Replace 'version' with your appropriate ROS version (e.g., melodic, noetic).
sudo apt-get install ros-'version'-novatel-gps-driver
Visit the official Livox SDK repository on GitHub:
Ensure that both drivers are correctly installed for seamless operation of the file player.
To set up the necessary workspace and clone the file player repository:
$ mkdir ~/catkin_ws
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ git clone https://github.com/rpmsnu/helipr_file_player.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/helipr_file_player
Compile and build the workspace:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
To run the file player, make sure to source your workspace:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch file_player file_player.launch
Here's a step-by-step guide:
- Click the 'Load' button.
- Navigate and select the desired dataset folder.
- Hit the player button to commence publishing data as ROS messages.
- Use the 'Stop skip' button to skip intervals when the vehicle remains stationary. This feature enhances the user experience by focusing on significant data.
- The loop button ensures that the data resumes playback from the beginning once completed.
- Jinyong Jeong: Original creator of the package.
- Giseop Kim, Seungsang Yun: Maintainers for different versions of the file player.
For any issues, queries, or contributions, please contact the maintainers.