This repository contain a task manager made with ExpressJS and Mongoose.
To watch the project you have to clone it, install npm modules and Bower.
This project responds to localhost:3000/tasks
Add a task just giving a title value.
curl -X POST --data "title=Do the harlem shake" localhost:3000/tasks
To remove elements from the task manager, you just need the id of the element.
curl -X DELETE localhost:3000/task/592b10534828231a386a6aa5
To edit an element you just need the id. You can change the task from pending to done || change the title.
curl -X PUT --data "completed=true" localhost:3000/task/592b10534828231a386a6aa5
curl -X PUT --data "title=Do the Best harlem shake" localhost:3000/task/592b10534828231a386a6aa5