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The CHORDS Toolkit for Health and Geospatial Exposures Research

Super-Lint Render-Bookdown

This repository provides the underlying code and data for the Climate and Health Outcomes Research Data Systems (CHORDS) Toolkit for Health and Geospatial Exposures Research. The CHORDS Toolkit seeks to aid researchers in accessing, processing, and integrating geospatial data-based exposures into their health research by providing guides, tools, and example code. The CHORDS Toolkit is available at

The CHORDS Toolkit chapters are written using R Markdown files and the book is created using the bookdown R package.

Please note that the CHORDS Toolkit is currently in development.

Contact Us

Please open an issue to suggest edits or to ask questions.


The following code installs the R packages used in the example code:

    "bookdown", "plotly", "shiny", "tidycensus", "tidyverse", "viridis",
    "ggmap", "ggplot2", "maps", "dplyr", "knitr", "latticeExtra", "pals",
    "classInt", "sf", "udunits2", "tmap", "lubridate", "gifski",
    "magick", "cowplot", "BiocManager"
  dependencies = TRUE

The following code creates a local HTML version of the book:

bookdown::render_book("chapters/index.Rmd", "bookdown::gitbook")

Contributors Guide

The GitHub repository consists of several workflow rules and branch protections to ensure proper development, revision, review, and publication.

Development Branches

Contributors create, edit, and revise new and existing chapters in development branches. Development branches should be named according to contributor initials, a one to two word description, and four digit month/day code (MMDD) based on the date of branch creation. For example, a development branch created by Mitchell Manware on April 5, 2024 to develop a unit testing chapter would be named mm-unittests-0405.

A pull request must be opened to merge a development branch into the staging-internal branch. The pull request must pass all status checks and be reviewed by at least one other contributor.

Branch `staging-internal` [protected]

The first review branch is named staging-internal. This branch is used for the CHORDS team's internal review of the incoming additions and changes. The staging-internal branch must be rendered locally to review as it is not hosted on a URL.

Contributors can make significant edits directly to the staging-internal branch based on reviewer feedback.

A pull request must be opened to merge the staging-internal branch into the staging-public branch. Pull requests into the staging-public branch are only accepted from the staging-internal branch. Pull requests attempting to merge development branches into staging-public will fail. This branch protection is enforced by the "Protect Branch `staging public`" status check.

When a pull request passes all status checks, is reviewed, and is merged into the staging-public branch, a new version of staging-internal will automatically be created (see .github/workflows/update-staging-internal.yml). Do not manually create a new staging-internal branch.

Branch `staging-public` [protected]

The second review branch is named staging-public. This branch is also used for the CHORDS team's internal review of the incoming additions and changes. The staging-public branch will be available on the R Studio Connect Posit Server (link incoming) to facilitate web version review and feedback.

Contributors should not make significant edits directly to the staging-public branch. Minor revisions (ie. punctuation, word choice) are acceptable, but changes to code, images, datasets, or style files should be addressed in the staging-internal review process, or implemented on a new development branch.

A pull request must be opened to merge the staging-public branch into the main branch. Pull requests into the main branch are only accepted from the staging-public branch. Pull requests attempting to merge development branches or the staging-internal branch into main will fail. This branch protection is enforced by the "Protect Branch `main`" status check.

When a pull request passes all status checks, is reviewed, and is merged into the main branch, a new version of staging-public will automatically be created (see .github/workflows/update-staging-public.yml). Do not manually create a new staging-public branch.

Branch `main` [protected]

A push (closed and merged pull request) to the main branch will automatically build and deploy the public facing version of the toolkit web page.

The main branch can not be edited directly. All file edits must follow the outlined workflow to ensure the quality and reliability of the final web page.

Status Checks

Check Super Linter
Checks that .Rmd chapters and style files have valid source code and adhere to consistent formatting (see .github/workflows/check-super-linter.yml). Utilizes super-linter/super-linter.

Check Render Bookdown
Checks that new chapters, file edits, and images and data do not cause errors in rendering the book (see .github/workflows/check-render-bookdown.yml).

Protect Branch `staging-public`
Checks that a pull request into the staging-public branch is from staging-internal (see .github/workflows/protect-staging-public.yml).

Protect Branch `main`
Checks that a pull request into the main branch is from staging-public (see .github/workflows/protect-main.yml).


Utilize the Issues page to ask questions regarding workflow.