Stmpy is a python-based data analysis package for scanning tunneling microscopy data.
- Load all default Nanonis filetypes
- Analysis tools: curve fitting, linecuts, drift correction and more.
- Easily create movies and high-quality figures
Get started with the stmpy 101 tutorial in stmpy/doc/
For developers
- Clone or download
to your local drive. - Navigate to within local copy of stmpy.
$ python develop
For users (in progress)
$ pip install hoffmanstmpy
In the stmpy-doc folder, there are three tutorial notebooks and one coding template.
- Stmpy 101 - getting started.ipynb: basic usage of stmpy to analyze topography maps and DOS maps
- Stmpy 102 - dfc tutorial.ipynb: drift correction tutorial, including theory behind drift correction and usage of this module
- piezo calibration.ipynb: describe how to calibrate your piezo with two topos
- stmpy notebook template -- topos and dos maps.ipynb: template notebook that has example codes for different usage of stmpy (kinda of serving as table of content for this library), including loop through all the topos in a folder, drift correct and take linecuts on a DOS map, still growing...