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RTIO Device SDK for Golang

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IoT device SDK in Go for RTIO service connectivity.

Devices are also resource providers in RTIO. RTIO uses a REST-Like model, making device-side development efficient and enjoyable.

Run Demo

Currently tested only on Linux environments.

Running RTIO Server

You can run the RTIO server either through "Docker" or by compiling from source.

Run RTIO from Source


  • Golang: Version 1.21.0 or higher.
  • GNU Make: Recommended version 4.3 or higher.
  • Git.

Clone source code:

git clone
cd rtio

To run the service, use the following command. You can view the help with ./out/rtio -h.

$ ./out/rtio -disable.deviceverify -disable.hubconfiger -log.level info
2024-12-19 17:07:14.198 INF rtio starting ...

Running RTIO via Docker

$ sudo docker pull
v0.8.0: Pulling from rtio/rtio
Digest: sha256:...

$ sudo docker run  --rm -p 17017:17017 -p 17917:17917
2024-06-03 13:12:23.264 INF rtio starting ...

You can log into the container using the following command, for example, to view the command help.

$ sudo docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh  -p 17017:17017 -p 17917:17917
/home/rainbow $ ./rtio -h
Usage of ./rtio: 

Run Device Demo

Compile Demos.

git clone
mkdir -p out 
go build -o out/
$ ls out/
simple_device  simple_device_copost_to_server  simple_device_obget  simple_device_tls

run simple_device.


Open another terminal and use curl to request the device's URI /rainbow through the RTIO service, sending the string "hello" to the device, which responds with "world".

$ curl http://localhost:17917/cfa09baa-4913-4ad7-a936-3e26f9671b09 -d '{"method":"copost", "uri":"/rainbow","id":12667,"data":"aGVsbG8="}'

Here, "aGVsbG8=" is the base64 encoding of "hello", and "d29ybGQ=" is the base64 encoding of "world". You can encode and decode in the terminal using the following commands

$ echo -n "hello" | base64       # Encode
$ echo -n "d29ybGQ=" | base64 -d # Decode

Output on the device side:

$ ./out/simple_device
received [hello] and reply [world]

SDK Integration

Add library:

go get

Integrate the rtio-device-sdk-go library:

import (

func main() {

    // Connect to rtio service.
    session, err := rtio.Connect(context.Background(), *deviceID, *deviceSecret, *serverAddr)

    // ...
    // Register handler for URI.
    session.RegisterPostHandler("/rainbow", func(req []byte) ([]byte, error) {
        log.Printf("received [%s] and reply [world]", string(req))
        return []byte("world"), nil

    // Session serve in the background.

    // Do other things.
    time.Sleep(time.Hour * 8760)


// Connect establishes a connection to a server with the provided device credentials.
func Connect(ctx context.Context, deviceID, deviceSecret, serverAddr string) (*DeviceSession, error) 
// ConnectWithLocalAddr establishes a connection with a specified local address. Usually for testing.
func ConnectWithLocalAddr(ctx context.Context, deviceID, deviceSecret, localAddr, serverAddr string) (*DeviceSession, error) 
// ConnectWithTLS establishes a TLS-encrypted connection to the server.
func ConnectWithTLS(ctx context.Context, deviceID, deviceSecret, serverAddr, caFile string) (*DeviceSession, error) 
// ConnectWithTLSSkipVerify establishes a TLS-encrypted connection, skipping certificate verification.
func ConnectWithTLSSkipVerify(ctx context.Context, deviceID, deviceSecret, serverAddr string) (*DeviceSession, error) 

// SetLogConfigs sets the logging configuration (text, json) and log Level (debug, info, warn, error)
func SetLogConfigs(format, level string) 

// SetHeartbeatSeconds sets the heartbeat interval in seconds for the device session.
func (*DeviceSession) SetHeartbeatSeconds(n uint16) 
// Serve starts the device session and serves requests in background until the context is canceled.
func (*DeviceSession) Serve(ctx context.Context) 
// RegisterCoPostHandler registers a handler for CoPOST requests to the specified URI.Not Thread-safe.
func (*DeviceSession) RegisterCoPostHandler(uri string, handler func(req []byte) ([]byte, error)) error 
// RegisterObGetHandler registers a handler for ObGET requests to the specified URI.Not Thread-safe.
func (*DeviceSession) RegisterObGetHandler(uri string, handler func(ctx context.Context, req []byte) (<-chan []byte, error)) error 
// CoPost Sends a CoPost request to the specified URI with the given payload and timeout.
func (*DeviceSession) CoPost(ctx context.Context, uri string, Req []byte, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, error) 


IoT device SDK in Go for RTIO service connectivity.








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