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Syndesis QE

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├── docs
├── rest-tests
├── ui-tests
└── utilities


On-going initiative to provide comprehensive guide to current code structure. Contains a script which produces list of all defined steps in this project and a link to their definition.


Java based tests that use Cucumber scenarios. Test actions are executed directly to syndesis-server backend.


Java based tests that use Selenide and Cucumber BDD scenarios. Test actions are mainly UI driven with additional 3rd party validation like Salesforce, Twitter etc.


  • OpenShift cluster with at least 1 admin and 1 regular user

  • Cloned Syndesis

  • Cloned this repo with syndesis-extension submodule (git clone --recurse-submodules)

  • Correctly set and credentials.json (described later)

  • Syndesis with test support endpoint enabled or sudoless docker access (either by being in the docker group or using podman instead) to install Syndesis with deploy profile

There are some dependencies that are not publicly available and require a special maven repository in maven settings. These are disabled by default and will cause some tests to fail. You can enable them with -DallDeps system property.

Before you import maven project to the IDE, you have to install Lombok and Cucumber plugins to your IDE.

For IntelliJ Idea you can use these plugins:

For more information ask or or

Make static route available

If you wish to run OAuth tests, we are using a static route for all oauth callbacks, so you will need to make it accessible, for example adding following entries to your /etc/hosts file:

<OpenShift cluster IP>
<OpenShift cluster IP>

Due to --route option when installing syndesis and updated /etc/hosts file we don't have to update all third party applications and their callbacks for every minishift/openshift IP.

Adding users to openshift clusters

If you are using minishift, you can use following commands to create an admin user:

oc create --as system:admin user admin
oc create --as system:admin identity anypassword:admin
oc create --as system:admin useridentitymapping anypassword:admin admin
oc adm policy --as system:admin add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin

If you have some dedicated 3.11 cluster, you can add a new htpasswd entry to the /etc/origin/master/htpasswd file and then add the cluster-admin role to the user

If you have 4.x cluster, you can follow the docs for configuring htpasswd

If you for some reason can't have 2 users (1 admin, 1 regular) - for example on eval clusters when the Syndesis is installed for you, you can use property to use only the regular user (specified by the config property syndesis.config.ui.username)


Test scenarios are provided in Gherkin language in a BDD fashion. Located in ./resources directory of *-tests module, e.g. UI scenarios.

Every scenario is wrapped with appropriate tags to target specific execution on demand.

If you want to execute tests for specific component - both UI and REST, you can use components tags, for example @salesforce, otherwise you can specify multiple tags using cucumber notation like '@datamapper and @rest' . The list of all scenarios(tags) is in the List of scenarios chapter.

GitHub and ENTESB Jira issue tags

A scenario may optionally be tagged with one or more tags in the form @gh-<issue-number> or @ENTESB-<issue-number> If such a scenario fails, the relevant GitHub or Jira issues are checked and a summary is written in the cucumber report. See javadoc of the OnFailHooks class for more info.

Skipping tests with open issues

In some cases you might want to skip tests which you know are going to fail, because they are tagged with open issues. You can do that by setting the property to true (defaults to false).


NOTE: Successful execution of tests requires fully configured credentials. All the callback URLs, Oauth tokens, etc. for Salesforce and Twitter accounts.

Example of to run on minishift

File should be located in the root of syndesis-qe folder. Working example can be found in jenkins nightly build run logs.

For more information ask or or

Minimal file (will work with most of the tests, some require more configuration)


If you want to use the default route for your tests, the only thing you need to specify is the syndesis.config.openshift.url. If you want to use your custom route, you need to specify syndesis.config.openshift.url and syndesis.config.ui.url.

You can also use the system property to specify a different location of the file, relative to the repo root. This can be useful in case you want to quickly switch between e.g. a local minishift instance and a remote openshift instance.

Use correct webdriver version for selected browser

By default the testsuite will not download any drivers when running tests. To download drivers, you need to use profile download-drivers, for example mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdownload-drivers.

By default the testsuite will download latest drivers which may not work with older browsers. To use older webdriver, find supported version for your browser and set the system property chrome.driver.version or firefox.driver.version depending the browser of your choice.


Find supported driver version for chrome browser here:

Use following maven parameter when starting the tests: -Dchrome.driver.version=<selected_version>

For Chrome version 75, the parameter would be 75.0.3770.8

For Chrome version 74, the parameter would be 74.0.3729.6

For Chrome version 73, the parameter would be 73.0.3683.68


Find supported driver version for your firefox browser here:

Use following maven parameter when starting the tests: -Dfirefox.driver.version=<selected_version>

For firefox 57 the parameter would be 0.24.0

Example of credentials.json

File credentials.json should be located in root of syndesis-qe folder. Working example on demand.

For more information ask or or


  "twitter_listener": {
    "service": "twitter",
    "properties": {
      "screenName": "****",
      "accessToken": "****",
      "accessTokenSecret": "****",
      "consumerKey": "****",
      "consumerSecret": "*****",
      "login": "****",
      "password": "****"
  "twitter_talky": {
    "service": "twitter",
    "properties": {
      "screenName": "****",
      "consumerKey": "****",
      "consumerSecret": "****",
      "accessToken": "****",
      "accessTokenSecret": "****",
      "login": "****",
      "password": "****"
  "salesforce": {
    "service": "salesforce",
    "properties": {
      "instanceUrl": "",
      "loginUrl": "",
      "clientId": "****",
      "clientSecret": "****",
      "userName": "****",
      "password": "****"


Before execution

For the test execution at least io.syndesis.common:common-model and io.syndesis.server:server-endpoint modules are required in current version.

cd <syndesis-project-dir>
mvn clean install -f app/pom.xml -P flash --projects :common-model,:server-endpoint -am

Working with extensions requires syndesis-extensions submodule compiled. NOTE If you didn't clone syndesis-qe repository with --recurse-submodules option as mentioned before, you have run following commands:

cd <syndesis-qe-project-dir>
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd syndesis-extensions
mvn clean install

Test suite execution

There're three Maven profiles: all, rest, ui to target the specific test suite.

mvn clean test // default all profile
mvn clean test -P ui
mvn clean test -P rest

Particular test execution

When you want to run only the particular tests or scenarios, just use their tags. The following example runs @integration-ftp-ftp and @integration-s3-ftp scenarios from the rest suite

mvn clean test -P rest -Dtags="@integration-ftp-ftp or @integration-s3-ftp"

Additional parameters

Deploying Syndesis via the testsuite

You can use profile -P deploy with some other profile (ie. mvn clean test -P deploy,ui) that sets the required parameters to clean the namespace and deploy Syndesis.

mvn clean test -P deploy,rest -Dcucumber.options="--tags @integration-ftp-ftp"

is the same as

mvn clean test -P rest -Dcucumber.options="--tags @integration-ftp-ftp" -Dsyndesis.config.openshift.namespace.cleanup=true

To select syndesis version, add another maven parameter:


To install syndesis using a particular operator image, use the following parameter:


You can also use the property to specify a URL to a properties file, that will be sourced, so if you prefer, you can "hide" all command-line properties into one file and use only one parameter for the configuration.

Using maven central proxy

Maven central is used when building integrations in minishift. That can occasionally fail, because a request limit is reached. In such a case (and perhaps in any case), you can add the following test property to use your own maven central proxy:

syndesis.config.upstream.repository=<your maven central proxy>
Pulling from private registries

If the images are deployed to a registry that requires authentication, you can use the syndesis.config.pull.secret property to specify the base64 encoded content of the docker config to use. Optionally you can also use to specify the name of the created secret - if not present, it will default to syndesis-pull-secret. This secret will be linked to syndesis-operator service account automatically.

Most common problems
  • If tests failed at java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive, probably the Syndesis isn't deployed in your namespace, so try again with deploy profile.

  • When you start minishift, you might receive a 403 forbidden status from GitHub if your request exceeds the rate limit for your IP address. In this case, the command will fail and you will receive an error message. You need to create a personal API token from your GitHub account at After you generate the API token, you need to set the MINISHIFT_GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable by running: export MINISHIFT_GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<token_ID> .


When you want to debug code, just add following command

"-Dmaven.surefire.debug=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE"

to the maven run command.

E.g. for debugging slack tests:

mvn "-Dmaven.surefire.debug=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" \
        clean test -P ui "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @slack" \
        -Dsyndesis.config.openshift.namespace.cleanup=true \

After that, the project will be waiting for a connection. After that, you can connect to remote debug in IDE. For more information look here.



Before you start contributing, please set up checkstyle in your IDE. For IntelliJ Idea, you have to install CheckStyle-IDEA plugin. After that, open Settings > Editor > CodeStyle and click on cogwheel, select Import Scheme > CheckStyle configuration and choose checkstyle/checkstyle.xml file from this repository. Currently we use 8.20 version of the checkstyle, so select the version in the checkstyle plugin accordingly.

Second, import the code style settings into the IntelliJ from checkstyle/intellij-settings.jar (File -> Import settings). This provides all necessary configuration that conforms the checkstyle ruleset.

After importing the jar file, verify that you have Scheme: Syndesis in Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java

If you don't use IntelliJ IDEA, you will need to configure the code style manually, the basic settings are:

  • Use spaces instead of tabs
  • Tab size 4, indent 4, continuation indent 4
  • Import order (new line between each group): static io.syndesis.*, org.junit.*, org.*, javax.*, java.*, all other and then non-static imports following the same order

NOTE IntelliJ Idea doesn't provide auto-format code after saving (because it provides auto-saving) by default. When you want to reformat your code, you can use shortcut CTRL+ALT+L or you can install and configure Save Actions. Please note that CTRL+ALT+L only reformat the code but it doesn't change the ordering of imports so you have to use also CTRL+ALT+O for optimizing imports.

You can also use Reformat Code checkbox in Commit Changes dialog before you commit changes.

Commit changes dialog provides a useful view of your changes before commit. There, you can see the diff between original and changed file. So you can make sure that you commit only changes which you want. Also, you can set commit message and commit changes via this dialog.

Commit changes

Checkstyle can be also run automatically on each commit, see Git hooks below.

Git hooks

You can find the git hooks in the hooks directory in the root of the project. You can enable them using following command in the root directory of this repository:

for f in hooks/*; do ln -srf $f .git/hooks/; done

Currently there are two hooks:

  • pre-push - if you want additional control that you are not pushing directly to upstream
  • prepare-commit-msg - runs checkstyle before each commit. Checkstyle verification can be temporarily disabled if the commit message starts with "tmp"

Creating a Pull Request

When you create a PR on GitHub a new Jenkins job is scheduled. This job runs on Fuse QE Jenkins instance and runs a basic subset of tests (annotated with @smoke tag).

If you want to run a different subset of tests, you can use //test: `@mytag1 or @mytag2` in your PR description to trigger specific tests annotated by given tags.

If you don't want to run the job for your PR at all (for example when you are changing small things in README file), you can use //skip-ci in your PR description.

When the PR job fails because of test failures and you believe that you didn't cause the error, you can try to trigger the job once again. For this just comment retest this please in the PR and a new build will be triggered in few minutes.

Please remember that each time you push something new (or amend something old) in the PR, a new build is triggered automatically, so you don't need to do anything else to get your PR rebuilt.

Advanced debugging


HotSwap is a very useful technique on how to change the code during debugging. It saves a lot of times. Especially in UI testing. You can stop debugger to the point where the test fails due to test mistakes (e.g. label was changed), look into the debbuger for the correct value, drop frame and run method again without restart all tests.

The following steps show how to debug and use it in the IntelliJ Idea.

  • In the UI project, right-click on the CucumberTest class and click Run. It fails, but it created JUnit configuration
  • Edit JUnit configuration and add parameters to the VM Options. cucumber.options and syndesis.version are mandatory! e.g.
    "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @slack-to-db"
    As you can see, the running scenario is specified in the cucumber.options tag.
  • Add breakpoint where you want and run debug (Shift-F9).
  • When you change something, you have to recompile the particular class. (Build -> Recompile Ctrl+Shift+F9)
  • After that, you have to drop frame. In the Debugger view, right-click on the top frame and select Drop Frame. It causes that last frame (e.g. function) will be running again with the changed code.

Video with example

  • In some cases, after step to the next line, the code throws exception and you lose the frame stack. When you want to ignore exception, in the debugger view click on View Breakpoints (Ctrl+Shift+F8) and select that you want to stop program on Java Exception Breakpoints and specify particular exception. After that, program stop before throwing an exception and you just drop frames which are on the frame with your method.

  • In some cases, you want to try find UI label with Trial and Error method. It means that you are changing the name unless you find the correct one. But, of course, you don't want to throw exception every time when you set incorrect name. For this, just stop debugger in code, open debugger and in the variables view you can add and edit any variables you want. When variables throws exception, it will not affect tests (main) executions.

Video with example of Exception Breakpoints and Trial and Error

For more information see Altering the program's execution flow

List of scenarios

@doc-tutorial (documentation tutorials tests)
@quickstart (tests for quickstarts:
@reproducer (tests which are related to the particular issue)
@quickstart-solution (tests for importing and testing the quickstart's solutions)
@quickstart-video (tests for testing process which is described in the quckstart's videos)


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Java 65.7%
  • Gherkin 34.2%
  • Other 0.1%