The Objective of this project was to learn how to use the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) to perform symmetric file encryption and decryption. Additionally password-based encryption and implementation for changes in recommended key lengths and algorithms were also added.
The project contains two folders
: the folder has the where majority of the project functionality resides and a file with some utility fuctions.resources
: this folder is used to store all the input and output files i.e. the plaintext and ciphertext files.
Enter the comamnds below and after navigating to the src
folder of the project through the terminal.
Create or copy a pre-existing plaintext file and make sure it has some content within. Save it in your desired location.
echo "This is a plaintext file" >> plaintext.txt
Note: The program can encrypt any file type, not limited to just .txt
java FileEncryptor <action> [algorithm] [keyLength] <password> <plaintext> <ciphertext>
When encrypting a file the user has the option to specify the Algorithm and key length. However, these are only optional arguments. If they are not specified then the default values (AES with 128 bits) will be used to perform the encryption on the file.
Currently the program accepts the AES and Blowfish algorithms and its valid keylengths.
The encryption will also be successful if either the Algorithm or Key length is specified as the default value will be applied to the property that is not specified.
java FileEncryptor enc p@ssw0rd plaintext.txt ciphertext.enc
java FileEncryptor enc 192 p@ssw0rd plaintext.txt ciphertext.enc
java FileEncryptor enc AES p@ssw0rd plaintext.txt ciphertext.enc
java FileEncryptor enc Blowfish 448 p@ssw0rd plaintext.txt ciphertext.enc
java FileEncryptor <action> <password> <ciphertext> <plaintext>
The same password must be used when decrypting a previously encrypted file.
java FileEncryptor dec p@ssw0rd ciphertext.enc decrypted.txt
To query the metadata on an encrypted file enter the following command below
java FileEncryptor info ciphertext.enc
All data used for encryption, decryption and authentication is printed out to the console for testing purposes.
Secret Key: 4v3GURNUyxpT+wQ7V+7lnA==
Init Vector: Myg7C+La5xo7A9czkMvSlA==
Salt: FbXNYM6ofed26t/GY27/tQ==
Mac Key: XgYmnjFXo0aKTxGMc00uVHoeNYvXBTwRV5teJM8TitU=
Mac salt: 3X0+fVGznlZQtXN+4QW7aA==
Computed Mac: yiB/ldtDwyKMt4vcPfja+TC9guC+xzgoexFj+ciC6k8=
INFO: Encryption finished, saved at ciphertext.enc
Secret Key: 4v3GURNUyxpT+wQ7V+7lnA==
Init Vector: Myg7C+La5xo7A9czkMvSlA==
Salt: FbXNYM6ofed26t/GY27/tQ==
Mac Key: XgYmnjFXo0aKTxGMc00uVHoeNYvXBTwRV5teJM8TitU=
Mac salt: 3X0+fVGznlZQtXN+4QW7aA==
Computed Mac: yiB/ldtDwyKMt4vcPfja+TC9guC+xzgoexFj+ciC6k8=
Given Mac: yiB/ldtDwyKMt4vcPfja+TC9guC+xzgoexFj+ciC6k8=
INFO: Authentication passed, file integrity maintained
INFO: Decryption complete, open decrypted.txt
Metadata for file: resources/ciphertext.enc
Algorithm: AES
Key length: 128
Blocksize: 128
Init Vector: 2VZe+7ogcuQfOia7mbd38w==
Salt: zVhJUB7OfMrw8b6si4L2AQ==
Mac salt: i9iRZ+Mzb2LxNx9rptCzQQ==
Computed Mac: fqbGjJGIeFaqA2TMmBTFrdjgPEEIk57lIV0dUhevxSM=