An app designed to help non-arabic speakers understand the Quran
Muddakir was designed to help a huge population of non-Arabic speakers that can read the Quran in Arabic but are not able to understand its meaning.
I started developing it in April 2023 during Season 2 of Buildspace's N&W program. The project was initialised using the T3 Stack. The mock designs for the project are done on excalidraw and then implemented using NextJS and TypeScript. The project is deployed on Vercel.
I am actively developing this project and my favourite part so far has been the Apply mode where you are tasked with translating a passage of the Quran word by word. I implemented a drag-and-drop feature alongside highlights on the Arabic text, depending on whether the user has already translated, is translating, or has not translated the word. I believe this greatly improves the experience of the user.
- NextJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, tRPC, Shadcn UI
- ClerkAuth
- Prisma, PlanetScale