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Moisés Barrachina Planelles edited this page Oct 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

BFT folders

  1. /admin -> administration folder
  2. /includes -> global folder, for administration and plublic files
  3. /languages -> translation files, this binarian files are made with programs like Poedit
  4. /private -> for sensitive data that only a download script can send the file to the user
  5. /admin -> public folder

BFT sub-folders

  1. /css -> CSS files
  2. /img -> images
  3. /js -> JavaScript files
  4. /lib -> library, the internal BFT files are stored here
  5. /partials -> frontend files

BFT main files

  1. /includes/class-your-plugin.txt -> main class of the plugin
  2. /includes/class-your-plugin-activator.php -> control when the plugin is activated
  3. /includes/class-your-plugin-deactivator.php -> control when the plugin is deactivated
  4. /includes/class-your-plugin-cronjobs.php -> control the cronjobs of the plugin
  5. /includes/class-your-plugin-install-upgrade-deinstall-database.php -> install and erase the plugin database
  6. /includes/class-your-plugin-functions-admin-public.php -> class with functions for admin and public classes, it's an extension of the BFT admin-public class
  7. /admin/class-your-plugin-admin.php -> class for the admin section, it's an extension of the BFT admin-public class, your admin-public class and BFT admin class
  8. /public/class-your-plugin-public.php -> class for the public section, it's an extension of the BFT admin-public class, your admin-public class and BFT public class
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