ChangeLog for DynamicBoxer by MooreaTv (moorea@ymail.com)
Coming next:
- Your input/suggestions welcome !
- See open issues for ideas https://github.com/mooreatv/DynamicBoxer/issues
v3.10.05 Jan 27th 2023
- Dragonflight 10.0.5 toc update
v3.10.04 November 19th 2022
- Dragonflight toc update
v3.10.03 Oct 29th 2022
- Fix for ISBoxer new team/macro style.
- Workaround for /click not working before
v3.10.02 Oct 29th 2022
- Fixed the Dragonflight option config
/dbox config
v3.10.01 Oct 27th 2022
- Dragonflight fixes (Font, Click: remaining: Options panel)
v3.10.00 Oct 25th 2022
- Initial update for Dragonflight
v3.09.06 Sept 4th 2022
- Pick up MoLib fix for missing constant
v3.09.05 Sept 1st 2022
- Shadowland 9.2.7
v3.09.04 July 24th 2022
- Pick up MoLib fix for SetScale error in 335a
v3.09.03 July 7th-23rd 2022
- Wrath Classic (beta) compatible
- Version compatible with legacy 3.3.5a client
- Updated packager
v3.08.04 June 4th 2022
- Updated for Classic Era 1.14.3 and ShadowLands 9.2.5
- Put back WowInterface ID
v3.08.02 March 26th 2022
- Updated for Burning Crusade 2.5.4
- peg luacheck to 0.23.0
v3.08.00 Feb 22nd 2022
- Updated for Eternity's End (9.2.0) and newest community packager
v3.07.00 Feb 12th 2022
- Single zip build, toc updates and wago ids
v3.06.01 Nov 28th 2021
- TOC updates for SoM and SL 9.1.5
v3.06.00 Sept 18th 2021
- Avoid error from resize in combat (support for checking InCombatLockdown() also in molib 8.1)
v3.05.03 Sept 2nd 2021
- Update TOC for Burning Crusade 2.5.2
v3.05.02 June 29th 2021
- Update TOC for ShadowLands 9.1 (Chains of Domination)
v3.05.01 May 11th 2021
- Avoid lua error when invite comes in before setup is done.
v3.05.00 May 10th 2021
- Support for Burning Crusade Classic (through MoLib v8)
- Added -Classic, -BCC, -Mainline TOCs
v3.04.02 April 21st 2021
- Bump classic TOC for 1.13.7
v3.04.01 April 18th 2021
- Implemented #81 (in MoLib): help message is output as individual chat entries so it can be scrolled
back properly
v3.04.00 April 17th 2021
- (Classic) If slot 1 is not in guild but others are, sync out of say range would not always work
v3.03.03 April 11th 2021
- Avoid error with nil faction and race condition when receiving messages too early
v3.03.02 March 13th 2021
- Eliminate EMA api errors causing MAMA/DynamicBoxer to get stuck not completing
the team (work around for https://github.com/ebonyfaye/ema-classic/issues/2
by doing the EMA api last instead of in the middle of Dbox logic)
v3.03.01 March 9th 2021
- Retail/Shadowlands TOC update. Continue to use MAMA and its new /click MamaAssist
to use DynamicBoxer
v3.03.00 Feb 21st 2021
- New behavior during change of resolution/wow window resize: until this version
the DynamicBoxer/Mama window would keep the exact same pixel size; it now varies in
proportion of the actual window width change, thus allowing WowOpenBox big<->small swap
to work well.
v3.02.02 Jan 30th 2021
- Classic: avoid lua error in early message receive and no isboxer
v3.02.01 Jan 17th 2021
- Easier initial setup for additional accounts.
If you log in your slot 1 first and /reload before starting the other wow,
all the other will pickup the machine wide token automatically.
v3.01.02 December 2nd 2020
- Classic 1.13.06 and TOC addition for other addon managers
v3.01.01 November 24th 2020
- Shadowlands TOC update
- Fix for addon config CheckBoxes 9.0.2 SetValue error (fix in MoLib)
- Prepare for https://www.WowOpenBox.org/ the only free open-source wow multiboxing software.
v3.00.00 November 8th 2020
- Support for MAMA so DynamicBoxer features can be used without requiring ISBoxer
Get MAMA at https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mama-multiboxing
to manually set your slot # once in its config and enjoy the rest of the Dbox features
as well as additional Mama features like follow me, lead change etc
v2.14.00 Oct 24th 2020
- Change to the status frame:
- the slot number is clickable to get the identify window
(replaces Tab, you can bind a key in keybindings if you want or still do /dbox identify) - Each party name in full (default) view is clickable/start of a unitframe
(so to get the old behavior of invite/disband/... make sure to click in the title part) - New config option to disable tooltips.
- If you want to anchor to dbox slots, the global table/fontstring region
DynamicBoxer_Status_Slot_x can help (where x is slot#)
- the slot number is clickable to get the identify window
v2.13.03 Oct 14th 2020
- Also fix auto raid/party conversion (and decided to provide compatibility global versions back)
v2.13.02 Oct 13th 2020
- (minor) LeaveParty() fix
v2.13.01 Oct 12th 2020
- Shadowland compatibility!
v2.12.01 Sept 16th 2020
- Classic: Fix bogus warnings from guildies or nearby sync. fixed english typo.
v2.12.00 Sept 9th 2020
- Fix #78: For brand new characters, escaping the cinematic caused lua error
- Classic: use whisper addon message instead of bfa xrealm style real (non addon) message
v2.11.04 Sept 8th 2020
- Workaround ElvUI bug in tooltip display
- (MoLib) Fixed tooltip anchor for option menu in Classic
v2.11.03 Sept 8th 2020
- Added option to disable all automatic popups at the cost of potentially not completing teams (see /dbox c or use /dbox u off)
v2.11.01 Sept 8th 2020
- Fix #77: if you disabled the addon (hitting escape for instance on the token prompt), don't flood with warning
v2.11.00 Sept 7th 2020
- Classic: use guild, party/raid and say for comms - pretty huge improvement, you can now /reload just the slot1
and it will resync fast etc... (best is guild but if your team is near one another it should sync fine too)
v2.10.01 Sept 2nd 2020
- Classic: use new MoLib IsInOurGuild() which works better than UnitIsInMyGuild()
v2.10.00 Sept 1st 2020
- Classic: big change to use GUILD addon chat when possible; this makes 10+boxing work much better
as long as characters are in the guild. - Classic: change timeout for secure messages to 3 minutes to accommodate 10 boxing delays in msging.
v2.09.01 July 8th 2020
- Classic is now 1.13.5
v2.09.00 June 27th 2020
Classic fixes:
- Fix bug with race condition at start and isboxer complaining about wrong slot (Issue #75)
- Workaround reinvite bug (trying to invite already in party toon) by delaying auto invites
v2.08.02 March 3rd 2020
- Updated TOC for Classic 1.13.4
v2.08.01 Feb 21st 2020
- Updated TOC for BfA/mainline 8.3
v2.08.00 Dec 10th 2019
- Handle classic API changes:
- can't use addon messages on private secure channel anymore
- use bfa xrealm like whisper based sync instead
- started refactor for classic only into new DBoxClassic.lua file (overriding some functions from the main file)
- todo:
- there are still some rough edges with or requiring broadcast /reload or selective resync (alt left click) to be fixed
(specially with a mix of in and out of party toons) - refactor/cleanup
- add guild/say/yell option for faster/more efficient reach
- there are still some rough edges with or requiring broadcast /reload or selective resync (alt left click) to be fixed
- Slightly better error and options text
v2.07.02 Nov 16th 2019
- Fix for error finding last toon for modified FTL assist case (when using /targetexact {FTL}\n/assist)
Many thanks to Termi for the help finding and debugging this issue!
In order to be more able to detect characters in modified ISboxer macros (that may contain extra spaces)
we now use space as a possible separator as that is illegal for wow characters but was working for versions before this one
NOTE: that means you should not use spaces in the name of your characters (ie if you have "Character 1" please
rename that to "Character1" or "Character_1")
v2.07.01 Oct 5th 2019 - Fix for some other addon emulating only partially bfa api in classic ()
(attempt to call global 'GetSpecializationInfo' (a nil value))
v2.07.00 Sept 24th 2019 - BfA 8.2.5 toc update (everything seems to be working from my testing)
v2.06.03 Sept 22nd 2019
- Fixed packager bug/changelog being mangled on cf
v2.06.02 Sept 21st 2019 - Switch to community/bigwigs packager as CF build was stuck/broken, also lets us
have classic and non classic toc without retagging and upload to wowi automatically too
Thanks Nebula and Nev for their help. (rebuilt as .02 to avoid double file confusion)
v2.06.00 Sept 21st 2019 - Option to delay a bit accept of auto invite in order to have team in slot order.
(you need to set the option on all the windows, not just the lead, also disable auto accept
in other addons like EMA to use this feature; lastly it may not work at login time, if so,
middle click to disband and left click to reinvite, in order)
v2.05.03 Sept 12th 2019
- Fixed bug for case where there was duplicate binding of isboxer FTLAssist macro
v2.05.02 Aug 24th 2019 - Fixed bogus realm mismatch warning
v2.05.01 Aug 24th 2019 - Moved some common code to MoLib (event registration)
- Trigger rebuild with latest MoLib for Classic
v2.05.00 Aug 11th 2019 - Option to limit invite to a set max party size. eg. 4 so a 8box can be 2x4 (Issue #61)
if you have 12 and set max to 4 you will have 3 groups of 4 (1-4, 5-8, 9-12) automatically at login
configure with/dbox c
or/dbox partymax N
(make sure to broadcast)
if you are 15 boxing and unset autoRaid, you'll end up with 3 parties of 5, etc...
(works for any party size 2 to 5) - Get a warning when failing to convert to raid (because characters are too low to raid for instance)
- Moved :SetSaved handling to MoLib (by setting self.savedVar)
- WIP: support for Mama
v2.04.01 Aug 9th 2019
- Pick up wow classic fix from MoLib for bug report and keybinds frame
v2.04.00 Aug 7th 2019 - Added Jamba support (DynamicBoxer will auto set your Jamba team like
it has been doing for your EMA team so far) - Fixed typo in invite code (only affecting debug-ish printing)
v2.03.03 Aug 4th 2019
- Latest MoLib and re-tagging with correct TOC for classic
- new classictag.sh to auto sync the classic tags (take 2)
v2.03.01 July 31st 2019 - Filter and truncate bug reports as needed (MoLib fix)
- use MoLib's new NormalizeFont and font object param
v2.03.00 July 29th 2019
- New feature: Export your keybinds to CSV (Excel, Google docs, gist.github.com...)
/dbox keys
and copy paste from the new frame that pops up. (Issue #60) - New feature integrated from MoLib:
/dbox bug
to submit bug information for bug reports!
post them to https://bit.ly/dboxbug (which redirects to curse bug, or email me or discord or github) - (beta2) Much better look for the bug report frame (MoLib fix)
- No need for double snap pass if setting the height of strings first
- Smoother zoom with less shimmering (newer MoLib)
- Fix lua error when receiving mapping while disabled
- Fix case where receiving long realm name for last slot was changing the height incorrectly (MoLib fix)
v2.02.01 July 28th 2019
- In molib fixes for Issues #65, #66 (status window forced to stay on screen)
- Fixes for #67 (initial view off and also wrapping right aligned text fix to not wrap)
- Fixed #64 in MoLib (at the cost of not as good behavior when resizing the main wow window)
v2.02.00 July 27th 2019
- Right indent and align the realms in the status window
- Typo fix in EMAsync (I wish lua had better tooling to find typos)
- Optional DynBoxer.teamCompleteCallBack called if set when the team is complete (Issue #63)
v2.01.00 July 25th 2019
- Use MoLib v7 for pixel perfect operations: Exactly 1 pixel border (using :addBorder).
Use new shared code MakeMoveable, SavePosition, RestorePosition now in MoLib - Handle screen resize and UI scale changes (we do keep our internal scale though)
- moved ShowToolTip and SplitFullName to MoLib, use WipeFrame from MoLib
- fixed bug with slot watch
- fixed small bug with error when trying to complete team or send sync message when
the addon is disabled, also made sure/dbox init
reenables if needed (not that
one should ever need to init again but...) - changed border to black, and default position to 2 pixels below top edge of screen
let me know how you like it - Small fix for all same realm master case
v2.00.04 July 20th 2019
{minor update to help any troubleshooting/ensure it's clear which version is running}
- Fix version number not showing, dev placeholder X.YY.ZZ showing instead
(if you see bugs like this please report them) - Make sure lua errors are shown in case there are any (not likely from DynamicBoxer
but can affect DynamicBoxer so better to investigate) - please report any LUA error seen
while using dynamic boxer.
v2.00.03 July 18th 2019 (v2.00.02 has the classic 1.13.2 compatibility toc)
- Add support for classic/no specialization icon
- Center the faction and class/spec icons better
v2.00.01 July 17th 2019
{2.00.00-beta1 to beta3 were pre-releases, with beta3 identical to this one}
- Status window now includes the whole team details; shift right click to switching
between full and compact view. Different color for same realm vs other realm. (Issue #14) - Faction is now a glowing animation on identify splash screen.
- Added specialization, if available, to identify.
- Moved both of these ^ to the same line as slot #
- Fixed up size/border calculation (border is % of height and width instead of fixed)
- Fix for rare case of lua error when getting a whisper without isboxer team. (Issue #56)
- Moved (more) reusable code to MoLib 6.00.xx
(including greatly simplified addTexture and no manual hack for offset) - (minor) Added special case of "1" offset in the font we are using it isn't centered otherwise
- (minor) Changed max slider scale to 2.5
- (minor) Changed mousewheel zoom in/out steps to 5% instead of 8%
1.9.9 July 15th 2019
- Fixed lua error when the token UI is through a warning (no msg to print as already warned)
1.9.8 July 15th 2019
- Status window size can be change with mousewheel (and saved like the position), also changeable
(better if broadcasting to all windows to sync the size for later mouse broadcasts) using
the options menu. Quite some work to get cancel to restore previous scale etc. - Fixed issue with enabled/disabled flow (some use of old variable weren't renamed to the new watched one)
1.9.7 July 14th 2019
- Added option in settings to turn off the start up identification, show for only 3s at start
and 6s later - Handle solo / team of 1 properly (Issue #55)
- Handle "Escape"/Cancel from the token UI popup such as it won't pop again automatically after that
(until you explicitly ask for it eg/dbox x
or the mouse/key bindings for it) - Added
/dbox team complete
to force a team to be marked as complete despite missing slots
(for instance if you log only 3 out of your usual 5 characters and want to sync the shorter
EMA team anyway). Also bound to control-middle click on the status frame. (Issue #44)
1.9.6 July 13 2019
- Minor adjustment to big slot display for better centering and layout
- Let DB.enabled set to false work from startup (Issue #53, #54)
adding/dbox enable off
to disable (and anything else to reenable, eg./dbox enable
alt-shift-right click on status window to disable
alt-right click to (re)enable (not using toggle so it's safer to broadcast set the same state) - adding Ctrl-Right click on status for popping up the token xchg dialog
- adding slash command (
/dbox id
), key binding and options button for slot identification command
in addition to previous TAB when mousing over status window. Make it visible also when alt-z'ed.
1.9.5 July 12 2019
- Added tooltip for status frame (Issue #46)
- New (discoverable) Ctrl-Click for toggle autoinvite and Shift-Click to
convert to raid/party toggle (and new/dbox party toggle
Alt-click to send a re-sync message (dbox join
) - Very very nice (if I may say so) window/slot info display when hitting tab
and mouse over status (and briefly at login) - (Issue #52)
1.9.4 July 11th 2019 - The good one!
- Fixed masterName->MasterName typo. Who doesn't love runtime errors like
that... that could be detected by a compiler
1.9.3 July 11th 2019 - aka 3rd time's the charm : nope - All the cross realm master memory refactoring was broken for the
simple case of entering a token for a new master (!) (need automated test case/regression testing!)
1.9.2 July 11th 2019 - bad release - Put our frame higher on the stack, and about midway to the right instead of just centered
to not cover blizzard headings like in the order hall and some other topbar addons (Issue #47) - Fix the padding around frame to be precisely the same in each corner and using
MoLib pixel perfect alignment of frame - Reset the max 200 message counter at each team complete event (for long running cross realm sessions)
/dbox reset status
puts it back to default right away without needing /reload- Fix isboxer less manual/testing mode error
- Fix: clear raid flag when needed.
- Fix: don't try to cross realm contact [older] master[s] if we already know Slot 1
(unless it's the first msg) and don't show the xchgUI in that case - Changes to cross realm retry/sync/master attempts
1.9.1 July 9th 2019 - bad release - Now try the 4 most recent masters per faction for cross realm syncing,
this should all but eliminate the need for/dbox xchg
(Issue #23)
Also fixed case where on /reload the cross realm masters weren't tried.
1.9.0 July 9th 2019
- Initial moveable, position saved, status frame, shows connected slots
left click invite, middle click disband, right click options (Issue #14)
(uses MoLib WatchedTable, ie tables with callback on change) - Print a message while we wait for standard channels (Issue #43)
1.8.7 July 8th 2019
- Better detection of character not found / unexpected isboxer config. (Fix for #42)
- Only test for 1 channel (from 2 before) before joining ours (as non en locale client
on en servers only get LFG for instance)
1.8.6 July 8th 2019
- Automatic conversion to Raid when needed is now very solid and very fast (fastest raid forming ever?)
1.8.5 July 7th 2019
- Fix issue #36: if an addon took /1 (like elvui) or you deleted /1, dynamic boxer would wait forever
for it to show up. Now we use a better check for std channels and give up after 1 minute
(to let new characters cinematic end) with an error, please report it if you see that warning
1.8.4 July 7th 2019
- new Auto Raid option (Issue #40)
- start of Localization support (mostly initial tiny infrastructure in MoLib)
1.8.3 July 6th 2019
- fix for tainting (Issue #38) by delaying init (most of the fix in MoLib)
- manual mode improvements
1.8.2 July 5th 2019
- fix for lua error when isboxer isn't loaded (the fix for #19 broke it in 1.8.1)
1.8.1 July 4th 2019
- new
/dbox autoinvite x
where x is toggle to toggle, off to turn off, N to turn on for slot N (Issue #35) - new
/dbox xchg
command and keybindings (please set a binding, like Ctrl-Shift-X) so you can broadcast
Ctrl-Shift-X Ctrl-C Ctrl-V return for any new team that doesn't auto sync
note that current wow has a bug where it looses the default bindings upon reload... - Fixed Issue #34 (switching to the faction master shouldn't be a warning)
- Fixed Issue #19 (UPDATE_BINDINGS event not delivered to isboxer)
- Moved UI library code to MoLibGUI https://github.com/mooreatv/MoLib
- Adding Realms database from MoLib ( generated by https://github.com/mooreatv/WowApiClient )
1.8.0 July 3rd 2019
- Adding optional key bindings for
/dbox show
,/dbox party invite
,/dbox party disband
and more (Issue #32) - GUI library now supports dropdowns too; used for
/dbox reset
options/UI - Changed tooltip color for
commands to steel blue (same as the "Team complete" and other PrintInfo color)
1.7.0 July 2nd 2019
- Now uses raid/party addon chat when possible to speed up cross realm team synchronization (Issue #28)
- Added some anti-loop/flood protections
- DynamicBoxer options panel is more complete and better UI (mouse over show the slash command too)
- Added :PlaceRight() to the UI library to place an widget on the right of the previous one.
Place() is still "place below previous"
1.6.1 July 2nd 2019
- add history of team mates so auto accepts of invite from non master works
- UI library: the x offset for place is now relative to left margin so widget can be changed order
and still appear at the same horizontal offset
1.6.0 July 2nd 2019 dbox config
shows the config panel, which is also in standard addon interface tab (Issue #13)- Auto invite can be turned off in the UI and inviting slot can be changed
- Debug level can be set in the UI
- New Auto Invite option/feature (from slot 1 by default, changeable) (Issue #20)
- New
/dbox party invite
(or you can short it as/dbox p
) and/dbox party disband
- Start of a (specialized for now, will move to MoLib UI eventually) UI library
- Slider widget is better than st ock (optional list of values/min/max labels/no wobbling (left indented))
- Switched to more natural positive y offsets to match x offsets
- Sliders have a nice looking effect on DoDisable DoEnable
- added
/dbox e[trace] s[ave]|c[clear]
to save current /etrace filters and /dbox e to start it with
restoring the last saved filters -- only useful for devs/debugging - Bug fix: the dbox show dialog wasn't properly auto hiding when team is complete
1.5.0 June 29th 2019
- Bug fix: chat message filters should drop duplicate consecutive line ids
- Make VerifySecureMessage problems only 1 instead of 2 warnings (changed signature in MoLib)
- Duplicate message detection and logging of messageIds in the debugLog
- Auto hide show token on slaves too when team completes
- Remember masters, by faction. Starts to use it to keep the last Slot1 memory per faction to automatically switch to.
(uses new MoLib functions) - downgrade priority/broadcast capability of fwded messages.
- Change the on-the-wire protocol and encoding to support a Single slot message vs a Team positional message
- EMA: also sets the master in addition to the team order (to slot 1)
- tweaked debug levels so
/dbox debug 2
is both informative but not too floody.
(run at least with/dbox debug 1
if troubleshooting something) - lowered retry/refresh to 3s
- don't popup the master dialog if we just did a full init
/dbox init
, take 2 - don't reset max retries when trying to re join every 5 failures
1.4.4 June 28th 2019
- More checks for bad channel which seems to happen sometimes
1.4.3 June 28th 2019
- Moved now unnecessary random token generator UI out of DynamicBoxer into its own Addon
(making this one 12k lighter) - Fixed issue where if the original isboxer team was cross realm the substitution was incorrect
also added more safeguard for unexpected issues with isboxer generated lua - Make "/dbox show" accept ensure initial handshake is retried
- Address the fact that joining channel can succeed at first, then fail later (!) so we rejoin
1.4.2 June 27th 2019
- Significantly reduced resend/retries thus also reducing throttling and lag (Issue #26)
- Adding EMA and EMA-Classic to optional deps so we can get handle to EMA at load time
- Clear EMA team at start to avoid extra messages
- Refreshes EMA team display order once team is complete
- Fixed issue #25 where optimization added in 1.4.1 broke the simple reload in same realm case
- Use MoLib to/fromTable in LRU class and new 100th second log timestamp
1.4.1 June 27th 2019
- Fixes for Issue #22 (Thanks Darknight for the debugging session)
- Use (broadcast)
/dbox show
when logging in new cross realm characters, copy from slot 1,
paste and hit enter everywhere (broadcast Ctrl-V and return key) - Use new MoLib with 35s default (changeable) threshold for invalidating messages (from 15s before)
- Better printing of new vs changing team slot assignment
- Fixed unable to paste (longer) token after using a shorter one in /dbox init or show
- adding
/dbox version
to confirm/echo the version. pruned the list of commands shown from help ("/dbox") - fix background lua error and failure to detect EMA isn't present
- fix case where popup on master wouldn't auto close (cross message trigger instead of channel)
- fix bug where new master would try to message the old master (if token points to old master)
- when cross realm try to sync up to 3 times to get full team, this fixes the most common cases of sync
1.4.0 June 26th 2019
- Cross realm support: Added new communication/sync direct channel to allow for cross realm boxing (message the slot1/master).
- Check if we are on the same realm and use alternate direct messaging when we're not.
- Use the new MoLib CreateSecureMessage() and VerifySecureMessage() to create signed secured messages
- We use regular chat whispers as the addon whispers do not work cross realm (!), with a
We forward authenticated, new messages to the channel and we reply with our own known set. - Loop/misconfiguration(bug) detection
- Limitations in this version (to be improved soon but it's already very usable/big step from 1.3):
- You may need to issue "/dbox m" on the slaves that aren't in master realm if you reload the master
- You may need to type "/dbox show" on the master to copy paste to the out of realm slaves "/dbox init" when changing master
- Implemented issue #15: Reset the EMA team to be exactly the dynamic team, in slot order
- Updated toc for BfA patch 8.2 (still works on classic too!)
- Changed all functions to use : so I spent less time chasing silly error where I called with . instead of : or vice versa
- Changed hashing to be 64 bits (2 32 bits hashes to be precise). It means your previous token will be invalidated (sorry!)
/dbox reset
now takes a mandatory extra argument:/dbox reset all
for previous all reset behavior and
options to clear the team history and the token, respectively.- Integrated MoLib's LRU for keeping last N masters
- Fixed bug when changing master to longer one, the dbox show would be truncated to old length
- Fixed bug where even on channel comm the data was sent twice
1.3.0 June 22nd 2019
- adding
/dbox show
to show the current master token (Issue #16) - adding
/dbox reset
to clear all saved variables (start from scratch) this has similar effect to prexisting /dbox init but
allows to completely clear all state (follow with /reload for it to take effect) - removed
/dbox channel
and/dbox secret
as the token is now handled through ui; adding/dbox set
set token string from the command line instead of the UI (but /dbox show/init is better) - Master automatically enables "show token" (/dbox show) when it detects a change in team,
so you can add members/copy existing token. Issue #17.
And it automatically closes it once the team is complete !
(broadcast the existing since 1.0/dbox init
if you want to change tokens across windows instead of reuse the last one) - Fixed #18 (bug with extra GetParent():Hide() causing master cancel button to hide UI)
1.2.0 June 18th 2019
- Revamped simpler yet better and safer setup UI. One time setup is now only 3 broadcasted keystrokes:
Ctrl-C , Ctrl-V , Return (copy, paste, enter; that's it !) - Fixed potential issue (as previously cross realm wasn't working anyway) issue with name-realm search and replace
now using MoLib's ReplaceAll which properly escapes all lua gsub characters for literal search and replace.
1.1.2 June 17th 2019
- Fix issue #10 to allow original isboxer characters to be substring of one another, as well as new team characters
(normalizes team in 2 passes) - Also address another TODO to remove unnecessary realm when same as self, earlier
1.1.1 June 13th 2019
- Avoid rejoining the same channel right away while doing /dbox init setup UI (needed to clear a few more state)
1.1.0 June 13th 2019
- Added optional id/password generator, you can tab between the 2 copy/paste etc (can be used for channel
but mostly for the secret, it must be pasted on all windows, if copied,/dbox random
to get just this utility)
(Issue #8) with lots of work/learning to get a cool fixed width narrow display and handle tab, escape, click, select,
typing etc as one may expect. - Handle trial accounts where BattleNet info is nil (Issue #7)
as part of fix prefix provided channel name with DynamicBoxer4, if left empty (but don't) uses "demo" - Static dialogs are reusing widgets without reinitializing them (!) so changes made in UI config
need to be reverted on OnHide (like clearing password field) - make sure we leave previous channel when doing "/dbox init"
- fix bug on macro rewrite when missing slots (lua ipairs stops at first hole)
1.0.0 June 11th 2019 - 1.0 After 6 alpha/beta releases
- Added UI (2 step dialog boxes, ran only once per account) to set channel/secret pair (Issue #2)
- Also re runnable using
/dbox init
later - Limit maximum number of times we'll try sending/syncing (to 20 times/20s after channel join or /dbox m command)
- DynBoxer.enabled boolean to turn off dynboxer even if loaded/running (used when user cancels out of the setup UI)
- Luacheck'ed and some reformatting to 120 columns
- Ensure
/dbox j
always sends the sync message - With all the above and testing showing things working, we are I believe feature complete for 1.0 and out of prototype mode!
0.1.5 June 10th 2019
- Fix for lua error when not running in multiboxing setup (Issue #3)
- Fix duplicate join event/messages
- Debug output now has multiple verbosity level, use /dbox debug 9 for most verbose (new MoLib support for it)
- Cleanup retries
- Handle message send failure
0.1.4 June 10th 2019
- Fix /reload on one character needing to rebroadcast from others (Issue #1)
- Better color scheme
- Only show isboxer warnings about bindings the first time
- Split into 3 files for clarity and keeping ISBoxer code changes in one place
- Refactor hooking to be cleaner and more generic and not conflict with our own functions
- Globe lint fixes
0.1.3 June 7th 2019
- Auto resync on channel join
0.1.2 June 7th 2019
- First working version !! (and loads correctly along ISBoxer as independent addon)
- Support for saved variables
- Fix for ISBoxer loading bindings too early (when realm name isn't yet available), unregister its UPDATE_BINDINGS
- updated /dbox help and commands
- patches to isboxer.SetMacro so it can be ran more than once
- need to use short name without realm when realm is same (!)
0.1.1 June 7th 2019
- Same as 0.1.0 without the logo in the addon zip
0.1.0 June 7th 2019
- Initial build as separate addon
commit 5434f70
Author: Moorea Tv moorea@ymail.com
Date: Sat Jun 8 05:32:21 2019 -0700
make dynamicboxer its own addon
commit 1c82475
Author: Moorea Tv moorea@ymail.com
Date: Sat Jun 8 05:25:24 2019 -0700
new working DB.ReconstructTeam()
using hooks into isboxer
so we can move to be independant addon instead of patching isboxer
commit 2735bc9
Author: Moorea Tv moorea@ymail.com
Date: Thu Jun 6 21:17:43 2019 -0700
use MoLib
commit 0a7ff2d
Author: Moorea Tv moorea@ymail.com
Date: Tue Jun 4 23:43:28 2019 -0700
use bnet for channel
commit 96c741a
Author: Moorea Tv moorea@ymail.com
Date: Thu May 30 03:21:37 2019 -0700
delay initialization (avoids the channel end up being /1)
commit 5d770e3
Author: Moorea Tv moorea@ymail.com
Date: Thu May 30 01:52:59 2019 -0700