Releases: motionpage/
Releases · motionpage/
* [new] Remove other instances of GSAP library on the frontend [Experimental]
* [tweak] Image Sequence - offload images loading to the Worker thread
* [tweak] Image Sequence Transcoder - multi-threaded transcoding for faster processing
* [tweak] Image Sequence Transcoder - support Arc browser and Firefox version >= 119
* [tweak] Two new PHP filters (motionpage/utils/disableMobile & motionpage/utils/gsapDeferAsync)
* [tweak] Scripts and files should have better exclude support for optimization plugins
* [tweak] ScrollTrigger refresh script transpiled as ES6
* [tweak] Faster post/page fetching in the builder
* [tweak] Remove new post types from WP 6.5, that are not needed in the builder
* [tweak] SelectorScanner will look for a unique parent selector for Breakdance images
* [tweak] Lottie integration now supports also dotLottie
* [fix] Save Button - incorrect behaviour on Mouse Movement trigger
* [fix] Additional selectors in the generated code for ScrollTrigger start/end (in rare cases)
* [fix] ScrollSmoother option "Move fixed elements outside the wrapper" issue with Bricks builder
* [fix] Global Settings config loss during the site migration
* [fix] Data validation issue caused by empty "Offset from element" input field in Image Sequence
* [fix] No Posts error notice on empty Oxygen templates
* [fix] Three missing tooltips
* [fix] NumPad Enter should work as Enter in the builder
* [fix] Prevent "Cookie Yes" to show in the builder iframe
* [fix] Replace FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING with htmlspecialchars for better PHP 8.1 compatibility
* [fix] Prevent error #011 when the issue is non-existent
* [fix] Timeline playhead component - issue with the playhead position
* [fix] ClickCopy - better compatibility with different browsers
* [upgrade] GSAP 3.12.5
* Various minor tweaks, bug resolutions and additional improvements