Releases: mpourmpoulis/PythonVoiceCodingPlugin
Small patch before the storm
Thanks for upgrading to the latest version v0.1.3!
This is a small patch after months of inactivity
refactoring some old code from the age of the dinosaurs
Introduces a variety of bug fixes and lifting some limitations/inadequate behavior, such as
certain edge cases with the cursor position at the beginning or the end of the file
LCA tie-breaking is now dictionary aware
improving the performance and stabilizing the behavior of argument queries using the "inside" keyword
improves code coverage most notably by allowing "partial parsing", so that ArgumentQueries and dedicated sub indexing queries (eg,"delete part 2") can now run within the current logical line even if there are unrecoverable syntax errors in other parts of the code, so long as tokenization is still possible, a requirement I hope to remove in the future
ports the documentation to readthedocs
If all things go according to plan, the next release will be 0.2.0 and will go public around mid August and will be pretty impactful so stay tuned :)
Massive subl blunder fix
- Utility to automatically upgrade scripts in the preferences menu
- Fixed the massive subl blunder
Bug fixes, small ROI storm and grammar sublime communication upgrades
The project now has a gitter channel to provide installation troubleshooting support which you can also find under Preferences > Package Settings > PythonVoiceCodingPlugin
Improvements on the grammar side regarding communication with the main plug-in lifting the constraints regarding special characters in your custom paste back formatting options and some occasional focus issues. These were devised while working on a proof of concept which enables us to create snippets purely on the grammar side without any plug-in code or sublime-snippet files.
Various back fixes in the plug-in backend, such as incorrectly handling empty definition parameter lists and a issue that might sometimes prevent you from selecting an argument from a function call inside the header of an for or with statement
A whole bunch of new unofficial small regions of interest such as picking up the individual lower upper step of the subscript or the left/right/middle side of comparison!
First Grammar Expansion
At long last release 0.1.0 is out and brings with it a lot of new features!
More operations like delete/swap operations that also support operating between alternatives like
swap red with blue
You can use operation prefixes in front of selection queries to execute them in a single step instead of 2 like
delete right
partial support for multiple cursors and multiple results
drastic improvements in sub indexing, both in terms of what you can operate on and new dedicated commands like
second part 1
orevery part 2
improvements in the inside keyword,a new outer keyword and the ability to select virtually any part of the function call with argument queries
richer big ROI queries
improved syntax for collections and support for multiple individual or ranges item insertion
More powerful workflows and various utilities
Various experimental features that you can manually enable!
various bug fixes and actually some more stuff!
Furthermore, meaningful menus have been added and you can find various goodies such as links to online documentation under
Preferences > Package Settings > PythonVoiceCodingPlugin
Also package control installation is currently working, so you can install directly from there!
Fixed some sublime stuff
Release 0.0.5 is out fixing problems of 0.0.4 regarding the installation via package control and adds useful utilities under Preferences > Package Settings > PythonVoiceCodingPlugin iincluding links to online documentation issues, grammar bundles and so on.
It should get you going until 0.1.0 is out, the development of which I am currently wrapping up
Temporary solution for package control
Ignore this if you are installing via git
Ignore this
v0.0.5-alpha.1 Update
Ignore this
v0.0.5-alpha.0 add link to permanent installation thread
Small upgrade
Aenea support, various bug fixes and clean-ups,a bit better stability/consistency in Plug-in behavior when handling edge cases , slight improvements in user interface and code coverage and minor improvements in sub indexing functionality!
Important patch
If you are faced with a situation where the pluggin cannot load and thus no commands are executed, please upgrade to release 0.0.3! This is due to an important error I missed and this release fixes it. I am sorry for any disconvenience caused! If the problem persists, please let me know in the issues section!