Development of the first assignment of experimental robot laboratoy.
This assignment proposes to develop software architecture defined for the first assignment tmrc1.0. In this assignment a Gazebo and Rviz were used to demonstrate robot movements on the map. In addition, in this development, the robot has a manipulator with a camera on board to detect the environment.
The map considered for the assignment
To solve the following problem I used various tools, like:
- aRMOR: it was used to
topological map,add
rooms, and getquery
from information. - Move_it: it was used to build urdf for robot model and make plan trajectory to move the robot arm_link.
- Move_base: it was used to move robot base_link.
- Slam_gmapping: it was to mapping enviroment detected by robot.
- SMACH viewer: to view how the robot state
For more information on nodes and sofar then refer to Documentation
UML graph
The whole software structure is divided into 5 important parts:
- Python nodes
- Cpp nodes
- Helper scripts
- Packages
Finite State Machine(FSM):
FSM is a mother node of the whole architecture, it uses the to import a class defined to ADD, MANIPULATION, and get QUERY from the information. Moreover imports three important services defined in to set the state of the battery, base movement, and arm movement. This node subscribes to marker_publisher.cpp node to get
detected by the robot camera and this id number is communicated with marke_server.cpp node to get information about id founded. When the robot wants to move after detecting all markers id published a Move Base Action to the move_base package to move base to the robot. Finally uses a service response to get Pose, Base movement state, and arm movement state from the node. -
Robote States:
Robot states subscribe to the
topic from robot urdf to get information odometry information. All services do set and get here, the services are:base_movement_state
. AdditionallyGet_pose
service done in this node and the I/O of the service communicates via <response & requist> with FSM node and helper scripts.
Marker Server:
All room proprieties are defined in this node like room id and room details (position, connection, door, last visit time). This node communicates with the FSM node via service (Req/Res) to send room information.
My Moveit:
This node contains all necessary joint configurations to find boxes in the environment. Via service communicates with a helper script to changes state of robot arm between True and False each time the arm state is True this node becomes active and sends joint position information to robot_assignment.urdf. Otherwise, if it is * False* the robot arm stop working.
These scripts don't start any node they were used only to import essential functions used in node FSM and robot_state
Build Ontology Map:
This script uses a service response generated from the node to get the current position of the robot in the map and update the is_in method. This method indicates the current location of the robot. Furthermore, this script is useful to load ontology_map defined in the armor package ad sync with the resoner.
Set Object State:
Three important services for the state of the battery_state, base_movement_state, and arm_movement_state are defined here. This script sends a service request to the node to set the base movement state and set battery level state. Additionally sends a service request also to my_moveit.cpp node for set arm movement state.
Robot Assignment:
Its generated from * Moveit Setup Assistant* and contain a robot model and various topic useful for moving the base and controlling the arm of the robot. Robot urdf subscribes to move_base to get velocity uses
topic and publishes odometry information uses/odom
topic to node to get the current position of the robot in the ontology map, furthermore publishes/robot_camera/image_box
to marker_publisher.cpp node to send image detected via camera.Finally publishes base information using the
topic and publishes tf transform tree [1] uses/tf
topic to slam_gmapping to update robot situation in map.[1] tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time.
Aruco Ros:
Aruco library provides real-time marker-based 3D pose estimation using AR markers. In this assignment used marker_publisher.cpp node to publishes
detected from/robot_camera/image_box
and its published to FSM node.- For more information on Aruco package then refer to this link.
SLAM Gmapping:
The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from the laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot. Slam_gmapping used
topic data generated by robot urdf in order to update the position of the base_link and arm_link in the map.- For more information on the Slam package then refer to this link.
Move Base:
The move_base package provides an implementation of an action that, given a goal in the world, will attempt to reach it with a mobile base. The move_base node links together a global and local planner to accomplish its global navigation task. Move base to get an Action from FSM node and publish velocity via
to robot urdf.- For more information on the Move base package then refer to this link.
Assignment Moveit:
After building the urdf or xacro file you can proceed in your terminal with the command
roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch
and run Moveit setup assistant. Now there is a possibility to define various properties for robot models and generate new urdf file plus package where there is an essential configuration with a launch file to be able to use a robot model.- For more information on the Moveit package then refer to this link.
aRMOR is a powerful and versatile management system for single and multi-ontology architectures under ROS. It allows loading, querying, and modify ontology map. aRMOR add and manipulate room and door in
and send the query as feedback to the FSM node. Additionally, it works parallel with helper
to load the ontology map and synchronize
each time ontology is updated.- For more information on the armor package then refer to this link.
rqt graph with active nodes
temporal diagram
At the beginning Launch file launch all the nodes and packages except
The last one started working automatically with the first launch after 20 sec of delay, this delay is a
necessary because simulation needs some time to add a robot model in the environment and make it able to execute
function defined in FSM node.
In the first step SETUP_MAP, slam_gmapping subscribe to /scan
and /tf
generated from robot urdf and
also my_moveit.cpp subscribe to /tf
information to uses for /arm_controller
. At the tip of the robot arm, there is a camera
that helps the robot detect marker_id in the world. The image_od acquired by the camera publish to FSM, this node uses
a service(req & res) to get information about the room id detected. After finishing this step GO_IN_ROOM state started and FSM send
an action to the move_base package, therefore move_base publishes /cmd_vel
to robot urdf to move the robot around the map.
The information related to odometry is sent to and the last node mentioned store information in Get_pose.srv
- N.B: There are 5 states in the FSM node, here demonstrated just two of them. At the beginning of each state
are changed and/battery_level_state
after the first state starts consuming.
You have to creat a repository and named assignment_ws, to do that
$ mkdir assignment_ws /src $ cd src
Frok repository from my Github
$ git clone
You need to install following package in order to run assignment:
- Moveit package with all dependencies
- Move base
- slam gmapping
- SMACH viewer
Now you can go to the work space and build packages
$ cd .. $ catkin_make
After that you can launch assignment with following command
$ roslaunch assignment2 assignment.launch 2> >(grep -v TF_REPEATED_DATA buffer_core)
NB: There is an possibility to change battery level manually, use fallowing command
$ rosservice call /state/set_battery_level "battery_level: <value>"
1.When you launch the files it loses 20 seconds to start working, this delay is due to the time you add the robot in the environment and run the moveit package.
2.In scripts, the system path has been specified in order to use the carried package. As following way:
import sys
if you clone repository in diffrenet path, to have to update this line of code.
- If you try to run multiple times, the assignment generates too many logs and this makes your pc slower. This happens due usage of TF in the assignment and to solve that you need to use the following command.
$ rosclean purge
- Rviz view state --> SETUP_MAP, GO_IN_ROOM, INSPECT_ROOM
- Gazebo view state --> GO_IN_ROOM, GO_TO_CHARGER
- Marker_publisher/result
System’s features
- The robot runs the arm to find the marker_id and starts patrolling on the map automatically.
- You can view what the robot sees via the camera that is on board the robot.
- Every time the robot moves to a new place the map updates and we can see via Rviz.
System’s limitations
Sometimes robot fails to turn well and maybe hits the wall, this limitation is probably caused by not being optimized value angular velocity compared to linear velocity.
The map updates slowly and this causes the robot to generate a wrong path, but after updating map generates a new correct path.
Sometimes when he is exploring a room before finishing movement with the arm, the robot base starts to move. This is caused due to high control frequency.
Possible technical Improvements
- using an octomap to map the environment can be an interesting problem. On board, the robot is a 3D sensor, which saves information in
. The last one can be used in octomap to cloud point there. - Robot sometimes generates the wrong path and choose the wrong way to reach the target, but finally, find the correct one. The only thing that increases the time to get robot to a target. This may be the best thing to fix.
- Mohammad Reza Haji Hosseini
- email: