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msgilligan edited this page Oct 22, 2014 · 13 revisions

People often ask me for recommendations on Git tools, Git books, and Git best practices. I'm going to place the information in this wiki page and update it from time-to-time.

My Personal Git Setup

I use the Git command line and the GitX Mac OS X client together. Using the command-line for most write operations and the GitX GUI for visualization gives the best of both worlds. This approach is recommended by the website Think Like a Git.

GitX is a Cocoa-based Mac OS X client that has had several maintainers. I'm currently using the GitX-dev version by rowanj, and it has been working very well.

I am also beginning to test SourceTree from Atlassian. I haven't used it enough to recommend it, but it looks like a reasonable solution for full-featured Git client. (I prefer to use the command line for most operations and GitX for history browsing and diffs.)

Git Books

I learned the basics of Git from the O'Reilly Git Book, now out in a 2nd Edition. I wouldn't recommend it as a beginner's guide to Git, nor would I say that for advanced users it is the only Git book you'll ever need, but I have found it useful. (Note: I have the first edition.)

I also find the free, online Pro Git (aka "Git Community Book") to be a useful reference.

Personally, I'm looking for a good book with some good real-world advice on how to decide upon a Git workflow. Please let me know if you have any recommendations.

There's an in-progres on-line book called Git Workflows that looks pretty good.

Command Line Git Tips

  1. Install ManOpen or a similar man-page viewer as you'll be referring to the Git man pages regularly. Once installed you'll be able to use commands like:

    openman git-pull

  2. Add some handy Git aliases to your ~/.gitconfig file

[alias] st = status co = checkout ci = commit sg = log --pretty=format:'%h %an %s' --graph

Git Commit Message Best Practices

A Note About Git Commit Messages seems to be the canonical reference. (I have been late to read and follow these guidelines, so do as I say not as I have done.)

Online Resources

  1. iUI Git Wiki Page: I wrote this a while back and it needs updating. This Git Advice wiki page is intended to replace part of it.
  2. Git from the Bottom Up: This is often recommended, but I haven't read it yet.
  3. Think Like a Git
  4. 10 Things I Hate About Git