List my of preferred tools to work on JavaScript-based application.
- Visual Studio Code. I really like this free and reliable editor because it has the IntelliSense feature.
- RunKit. RunKit notebooks are interactive javascript playgrounds connected to a complete node environment right in your browser. Every npm module pre-installed.
- CodeSandbox. The online code editor for Web.
- Quill. Modern rich text editor built for compatibility and extensibility.
- Express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
- hapi: Build powerful, scalable applications, with minimal overhead and full out-of-the-box functionality
- Koa: smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs
- Fastify: Fast and low overhead web framework. Use this framework if the requirements are expecting the server to handle more significant number of request. See the benchmark.
- Nestjs
- oclif is the most active project I can rely on to build Node.js-based CLI app.
- Yargs helps you build interactive command line tools, by parsing arguments and generating an elegant user interface.
- Holder
- PlaceIMG.
- Pexels. Free stock photos.
- Unsplash.
- Findshot
- Uglifyjs is kind of outdated. The new alternative is Terser.
- Jest: JS Testing Framework
- Artillery. Load testing the servers
- Cypress: Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser
- Mirage JS: API mocking library
- Polly.JS is a standalone, framework-agnostic JavaScript library that enables recording, replaying, and stubbing of HTTP interactions
- HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js
- Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping
- Sinon.js
- Chance. Generator of random strings, numbers, etc. to help reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests or anywhere else you need anything random
- Logging library in Node.js pino: super fast, all natural json logger
- Agenda. Lightweight job scheduling for Node.js
- Convert object keys to camel case using camelcase. Note that if the key are an array than the items inside is an object than it will not be converted to
- Highlight select fragments of a string using an HTML element and/or a class
- currency.js
- uuid
- language-mapping-list . List of all the known languages in their English and Native name with locales.
- Transform SVGs into React components.
- Build forms in React, without tears
- Retrying promise operation: node-promise-retry, async-retry.
- Nodemon. Utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server. Perfect for development.
- npkill. Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders
- verge: Get viewport dimensions, detect elements in the viewport
- res: Device resolution detection module
- faker.js - generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js
- Create, read and edit .zip
- Simple, programmatic
manipulation - Easily read/write JSON files in Node.js
- form-data
- minimist. Parse argument options.
- query-string: Parse query string from a URL
- mime-types
- Nodemailer. Module to allow easy as cake email sending.
- classnames. Simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together.
- clipboard.js. A modern approach to copy text to clipboard.
- generate short unique ids from integers