In this project, I made use of Python to explore data related to bike share systems for three major cities in the United States—Chicago, New York City, and Washington. I wrote code to import the data and answered interesting questions about it by computing descriptive statistics. I also wrote a script that takes in raw input to create an interactive experience in the terminal to present these statistics.
To complete this project, the following software requirements apply:
- You should have Python 3, NumPy, and pandas installed using Anaconda
- A text editor, like Sublime or Atom.
- A terminal application (Terminal on Mac and Linux or Cygwin on Windows).
You can input 'python' on your terminal to run this program. I use Anaconda's command prompt on a Windows 10 machine.
You will learn about bike share use in Chicago, New York City, and Washington by computing a variety of descriptive statistics. In this project, you'll write code to provide the following information:
#1 Popular times of travel (i.e., occurs most often in the start time)
- most common month
- most common day of week
- most common hour of day #2 Popular stations and trip
- most common start station
- most common end station
- most common trip from start to end (i.e., most frequent combination of start station and end station #3 Trip duration
- total travel time
- average travel time #4 User info
- counts of each user type
- counts of each gender (only available for NYC and Chicago)
- earliest, most recent, most common year of birth (only available for NYC and Chicago)
- Language: Python 3.6 or above
- Libraries: pandas, numpy, time
chicago.csv - Stored in the data folder, the chicago.csv file is the dataset containing all bikeshare information for the city of Chicago provided by Udacity.
new_york_city.csv - Dataset containing all bikeshare information for the city of New York provided by Udacity.
washington.csv - Dataset containing all bikeshare information for the city of Washington provided by Udacity. Note: This does not include the 'Gender' or 'Birth Year' data.
- Python 3.6.6 - The language used to develop this.
- pandas - One of the libraries used for this.
- numpy - One of the libraries used for this.
- time - One of the libraries used for this.