This is a mobile version of FireNotes. It is written in React Native and uses Firebase as a storage.
- Save your notes and tasks.
- Mobile version of FireNotes.
- Real-time updates.
- Storage and Authentication are provided by Firebase.
- Download the latest release.
- Install the app on your device.
- Open the app and sign in with your Google account.
- Enjoy!
- Add support for other authentication methods.
- Improve UI.
- Add support for other languages.
- Optimize the app.
- Add features.
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies with
npm install
. - Download google-services.json from your Firebase project and put it in the android/app folder.
- Run the app with
npm start
in one terminal, andnpx react-native run-android
in the other. - After making changes and testing, open pull request.
To build release version, run cd android
in the project directory. Then run ./gradlew assembleRelease
. The apk will be in android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
. Don't forget to change app version (and increment versionCode) in android/app/build.gradle
Note: if you're experiencing issues with building the app (Could not open proj generic class cache for build file '...\android\app\build.gradle'), try building the app with Android Studio first.
- Styling improvements
- FAB added
- App icon added
- Initial release
FireNotes is an open-source project and released under the MIT License.
FireNotes is developed and maintained by music-soul1-1.