A perfect resume did not exi...
is my resume website that is hosted on Github Pages.
- Single page
- Printable
- Must represent whole career, experience and skills
- Clear & minimal
Fork and complete Github Pages setup.
Change information as yours: /index.html
Change website icon: /images/icon.png
Change resume photo: /images/me.jpeg
Industry, domain-primary
Programming languages-success
Frameworks, libraries, etc. that are related with those programming languages-danger
Development terms like RESTful API-info
Version control tools-secondary
Container tools-secondary
Other CI/CD tools-secondary
Servers like Tomcat-secondary
Third party services like Admob or Google Play Game Services
- The order of the same types should be according to importance & experience.
- Typing of the all terms must be the same with title of its Wikipedia article. (For example, it should be Apache Ant, not Ant.)
Pull requests are welcome without changing personal information.