Repo consists of configuration for:
- nvim
- tmux
- Zsh
Contains archives for old i3 setup
The entire setup is now lua based, you will need some extra packages installed to get it to work
- nodejs, python, go, ruby
- install nodejs neovim
- install python pynvim
- install solargraph as a system gem (sudo)
Packer and LSP will install the needed parsers and language servers
Plugins are installed in ~/.tmux/
Calls aliases and sets variables depending on the hostname
Manages the symlinks for keeping everything in sync To set it up
- remove the original files
- run stow on each folder you need to sync
stow -vt ~/.config/nvim nvim
stow -vt ~/.config/alacritty alacritty
stow -vt ~ zsh
stow -vt ~ tmux