AWX MiniLab is lab environment based on Vagrant, Ansible and VirtualBox. The main folder contains Vagrant code to stand up a single AWX server instance with 2 nodes (CentOS, OpenSuSE). The number of nodes and the node OS is configurable by modifying the config.yaml file.
The pre-requisites are Ansible, Ansible host-manager plugin , Vagrant and VirtualBox, installed on the PC you intend to run it on, and 6 GB of RAM.
$ git clone
If not already present you also need to install the vagrant host-manager plugin:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
$ vagrant up
After the installation you should be able to access AWX at http://localhost:8080/. The default login is admin/password
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant destroy
The main folder contains a config.yaml
file, which can be used to configure AWX MiniLab.
# AWX MiniLab Configuration
# Lab settings
domain: mini.lab
provision: true
# AWX server settings
cpu: 4
memory: 4096
hostname: awx
port_http: 8080
port_https: 8443
# AWX node settings
count: 1
cpu: 1
memory: 1024
image: centos/7
hostname: centos
setup: setup/node/centos.yaml
count: 1
cpu: 1
memory: 1024
image: opensuse/Tumbleweed.x86_64
hostname: opensuse
setup: setup/node/opensuse.yaml