42 (Warsaw)
A modified 42Warsaw header for vim editor. Use at your own risk.
Copy stdheader.vim
in your ~/.vim/plugin
, or use your favorite plugin
manager. Then set the user and mail variables as explained below.
Add in ~/.zshrc
Use 'source ~/.zshrc' to apply changes
let g:user42 = 'yourLogin'
let g:mail42 = 'yourLogin@student.42warsaw.pl'
In NORMAL mode you can use :Stdheader
or simply press the shortcut F1.
Under Linux you eventually need to disable the help shortcut of your terminal :
For Terminator, right click -> Preferences -> Shortcuts -> change help with something other than F1
Inside the 42 clusters you can easily run:
$ ./set_header.sh
@zazard - creator
@alexandregv - contributor
@mjacq42 - contributor
@sungmcho - contributor
This work is published under the terms of 42 Unlicense.