Do you want to travel from Pasalimani 3 to Tsoukaleika 2 in 17 minutes? With B.U.S. you can!
This project was part of a university assignment concerning databases. This application is the real mastermind supporting the success of the imaginary bus agency Bringing yoU Spiti.
The authors of this project are (in alphabetical order):
- George Evangelou (Dipl. Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Univ. of Patras, Greece)
- Email: george_evangelou [at]
- LinkedIn profile
- Nick Roussos (Dipl. Eng. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Univ. of Patras, Greece)
- Email: nroussos97 [at]
- LinkedIn profile
This repository is work in progress. Please contact the authors for any issue.