This repository contain the implementation of 5 ensemble models: HICS, OUTRES, LODA, Mahalanobis Kernel and Trinity. These implementations are used to make some experiments for my bachelor degree work. The theoretical description of the models are taken from the papers and books:
The whole explanation in Spanish is in the repository:
The structure of the repository is the following one:
- Datasets: this is the folder with the datasets from ODDS.
- Examples: this folder contains one example of use for each of the models.
- Experiments: this folder contains the two experiments performed on my work as well as the results and the script to generate the figures and results.
- Models: this folder contains the actual implementation of the 5 ensemble models
Datasets picked from:
Shebuti Rayana (2016). ODDS Library []. Stony Brook, NY: Stony Brook University, Department of Computer Science.