Graphing and Analysis Tool for Complex Functions using
↗️ Vector Fields
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- Graphing Calculator for Complex valued functions
- Vector Fields are used to represent input complex number pointing output complex number
- To avoid clutter, we make all vector lengths equal
- To represent the missing information about the length we use domain coloring
- In Polya vector field we plot it's conjugate instead of the given function
- Polya vector field represents Physical Flow
- It represents a is Inviscid, Incompressible, Irrotational flow
- ⚛️ React Js
- 🌈 p5.js
- 🌏 Zustand
- 🎨 Sass
- 🧊 Typescript
- Author - Naman Arora
- Twitter - @namanarora1022
Graphing Calculator is GPL V3