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DeclSignature - Comment identify and update
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ErasedSoul committed Jul 25, 2024
1 parent ae8263f commit 700be61
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Showing 4 changed files with 109 additions and 45 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions lib/namma-dsl/src/NammaDSL/DSL/Parser/TechDesign.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ parseChangeEntity (dName, changeObj) = do
tdPathPrefixes <- tdPathPrefixes <$> ask
let !qDName = maybe (if '.' `T.elem` dName then dName else errorT ("Module not found for " <> dName)) (\m -> m <> "." <> dName) (lookup dName mdlmap)
(md, accDName) = getMdAndDname qDName
allCommentChanges = changeObj ^. ix acc_tdComments . _Array . to V.toList . to (map (mkCommentChange accDName))
allCommentChanges = changeObj ^. ix acc_tdComments . _Array . to V.toList . to (mkComments accDName)
allNewTypeChange = case L.find ((\f -> f == "declType") . fst) (mkList $ Object changeObj :: [(Text, Text)]) of
Just (_, t) -> [AddRecord (getRequiredDeclType t) accDName]
_ -> []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,10 @@ toChangeList obj =
Object o -> [(toText k, o)]
_ -> []

mkCommentChange :: Text -> Value -> Change
mkCommentChange dName = \case
String a -> AddComment dName ("-- " <> a)
mkComments :: Text -> [Value] -> [Change]
mkComments dName = zipWith (mkCommentChange dName) [0 ..]

mkCommentChange :: Text -> Int -> Value -> Change
mkCommentChange dName id_ = \case
String a -> AddComment dName ("--" <> (T.pack $ show id_) <> " " <> a)
_ -> errorT "Invalid Comment. Expected string"
138 changes: 99 additions & 39 deletions lib/namma-dsl/src/NammaDSL/Generator/Purs/CST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ module NammaDSL.Generator.Purs.CST (module NammaDSL.Generator.Purs.CST, module R
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
--import Debug.Trace (traceShowId)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Language.PureScript.CST as P
import Language.PureScript.CST.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,11 +134,12 @@ findDeclWithName :: Text -> [Declaration a] -> Maybe (Declaration a)
findDeclWithName searchName decls = L.find (isDeclWithName searchName) decls

addLabelToRow :: Labeled Label (Type a) -> Row a -> Row a
addLabelToRow lbl row = row {rowLabels =
case (rowLabels row) of
sep@(Just _) -> addLabelToSeperated lbl <$> sep
Nothing -> Just (Separated {sepHead = frontFeed [Line LF, Space 4] lbl, sepTail = []})
addLabelToRow lbl row =
let newRL =
case (rowLabels row) of
sep@(Just _) -> addLabelToSeperated lbl <$> sep
Nothing -> Just (Separated {sepHead = cmtUp [Line LF, Space 4] lbl, sepTail = []})
in row {rowLabels = newRL}

addLabelToSeperated :: Labeled Label (Type a) -> Separated (Labeled Label (Type a)) -> Separated (Labeled Label (Type a))
addLabelToSeperated lbl sep = sep {sepTail = sepTail sep ++ [fieldWithComma]}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,6 +223,18 @@ class GetCLF a where
getLC :: a -> LC
getEC :: a -> EC

instance GetCLF (Declaration a) where
getLC = \case
DeclSignature _ lbled -> getLC lbled
_ -> []
getEC = \case
DeclSignature _ lbled -> getEC lbled
_ -> []

instance GetCLF (Name a) where
getLC = getLC . nameTok
getEC = getEC . nameTok

instance GetCLF SourceToken where
getLC = tokLeadingComments . tokAnn
getEC = tokTrailingComments . tokAnn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,23 +318,35 @@ instance Default SourceRange where

class CmtUp a where
cmtUp :: LC -> a -> a
cmtUpStrict :: LC -> a -> a

instance CmtUp Label where
cmtUp cmt lbl = lbl {lblTok = cmtUp cmt (lblTok lbl)}
cmtUpStrict cmt lbl = lbl {lblTok = cmtUpStrict cmt (lblTok lbl)}

instance CmtUp TokenAnn where
cmtUp cmt tokAnn = tokAnn {tokLeadingComments = (tokLeadingComments tokAnn) ++ cmt}
cmtUpStrict cmt tokAnn = tokAnn {tokLeadingComments = cmt}

instance CmtUp SourceToken where
cmtUp cmt srcTok = srcTok {tokAnn = cmtUp cmt (tokAnn srcTok)}
cmtUpStrict cmt srcTok = srcTok {tokAnn = cmtUpStrict cmt (tokAnn srcTok)}

instance CmtUp (Name a) where
cmtUp cmt nm = nm {nameTok = cmtUp cmt (nameTok nm)}
cmtUpStrict cmt nm = nm {nameTok = cmtUpStrict cmt (nameTok nm)}

instance CmtUp a => CmtUp (Labeled a b) where
cmtUp cmt lbl = lbl {lblLabel = cmtUp cmt (lblLabel lbl)}
cmtUpStrict cmt lbl = lbl {lblLabel = cmtUpStrict cmt (lblLabel lbl)}

instance CmtUp (Declaration a) where
cmtUp cmt = \case
DeclSignature ann lbled -> DeclSignature ann (cmtUp cmt lbled)
decl@_ -> decl
cmtUpStrict cmt = \case
DeclSignature ann lbled -> DeclSignature ann (cmtUpStrict cmt lbled)
decl@_ -> decl

class GetFields a where
getFields :: a -> [Text]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,49 +410,82 @@ instance GetFields (Declaration a) where
DeclValue _ vbf -> getFields vbf
_ -> []

class FrontFeed a where
frontFeed :: LC -> a -> a

instance FrontFeed a => FrontFeed (Labeled a b) where
frontFeed cmt lbl = lbl {lblLabel = frontFeed cmt (lblLabel lbl)}

instance FrontFeed Label where
frontFeed cmt lbl = lbl {lblTok = cmtUp cmt (lblTok lbl)}

instance FrontFeed SourceToken where
frontFeed cmt srcTok = srcTok {tokAnn = cmtUp cmt (tokAnn srcTok)}

instance FrontFeed TokenAnn where
frontFeed cmt tokAnn = tokAnn {tokLeadingComments = cmt ++ (tokLeadingComments tokAnn)}

addCmtUpDeclSig :: Text -> LC -> [Declaration ()] -> [Declaration ()]
addCmtUpDeclSig searchName cmt decls = findAndApply (\dec -> isDeclWithName searchName dec && isDeclSignature dec) (cmtUp cmt) decls

addCmtUpDeclSig :: Text -> Comment LineFeed -> [Declaration ()] -> [Declaration ()]
addCmtUpDeclSig searchName cmt decls = findAndApply (\dec -> isDeclWithName searchName dec && isDeclSignature dec) (addComment cmt) decls

addComment :: Comment LineFeed -> Declaration () -> Declaration ()
addComment cmt decl =
let existingCmts = getLC decl
newCmts = updateOrAddComment cmt existingCmts
in cmtUpStrict newCmts decl

parseComment :: Comment LineFeed -> Maybe (Int, Text)
parseComment (Comment txt) = do
let (idPart, rest) = T.breakOn " " (T.drop 2 txt)
if not (T.null idPart) && T.all isDigit idPart && not (T.null rest)
then Just (read (T.unpack idPart), T.drop 1 rest)
else Nothing
parseComment _ = Nothing

updateOrAddComment :: Comment LineFeed -> [Comment LineFeed] -> [Comment LineFeed]
updateOrAddComment newCmt oldCmts =
case parseComment newCmt of
Just (newId, newContent) ->
let (found, updatedCmts) =
( \(finalCheck, allCmts) oldC ->
let (chk, upC) = updateComment newId newContent oldC
in (chk || finalCheck, allCmts ++ [upC])
(False, [])
in if found then updatedCmts else oldCmts ++ [newCmt, Line LF]
Nothing -> oldCmts -- This case should not happen as new comment is always correctly formatted

updateComment :: Int -> Text -> Comment LineFeed -> (Bool, Comment LineFeed)
updateComment newId newContent oldCmt =
case parseComment oldCmt of
Just (oldId, _) -> if oldId == newId then (True, Comment ("--" <> T.pack (show newId) <> " " <> newContent)) else (False, oldCmt)
_ -> (False, oldCmt)

isCmtRequired :: Declaration () -> [Comment LineFeed] -> Bool
isCmtRequired decl cmts = not $ any (cmtAlreadyPresent decl) cmts

cmtAlreadyPresent :: Declaration () -> Comment LineFeed -> Bool
cmtAlreadyPresent decl cmt = case cmt of
c@(Comment _) -> c `elem` (getLC decl)
_ -> False

-- making new data types --
instance Default (Wrapped (Row a)) where
def = Wrapped {wrpOpen = pSourceToken [] [] TokLeftBrace , wrpValue = Row {rowLabels = Nothing, rowTail = Nothing}, wrpClose = pSourceToken [] [] TokRightBrace}
def = Wrapped {wrpOpen = pSourceToken [] [] TokLeftBrace, wrpValue = Row {rowLabels = Nothing, rowTail = Nothing}, wrpClose = pSourceToken [] [] TokRightBrace}

instance Default (Type ()) where
def = TypeRecord () def

pDataHead :: PRecordType -> RecordName -> DataHead ()
pDataHead recType recName = DataHead {
dataHdKeyword = pSourceToken [Line LF,Line LF] [Space 1] (TokLowerName [] (case recType of
PNEWTYPE -> "newtype"
PTYPE -> "type")),
dataHdName = pName [] [Space 1] (pToken recName) (ProperName recName),
dataHdVars = []
pDataHead recType recName =
{ dataHdKeyword =
[Line LF, Line LF]
[Space 1]
( TokLowerName
( case recType of
PNEWTYPE -> "newtype"
PTYPE -> "type"
dataHdName = pName [] [Space 1] (pToken recName) (ProperName recName),
dataHdVars = []

addNewDecl :: PRecordType -> RecordName -> Declaration ()
addNewDecl recType recName =
dh = pDataHead recType recName
eqTok = pSourceToken [] [Space 1] TokEquals
consName = pName [] [Space 1] (pToken recName) (ProperName recName)
let dh = pDataHead recType recName
eqTok = pSourceToken [] [Space 1] TokEquals
consName = pName [] [Space 1] (pToken recName) (ProperName recName)
in case recType of
PNEWTYPE -> DeclNewtype () dh eqTok consName def
PTYPE -> DeclType () dh eqTok def
PNEWTYPE -> DeclNewtype () dh eqTok consName def
PTYPE -> DeclType () dh eqTok def
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/namma-dsl/src/NammaDSL/Generator/Purs/TechDesign.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ applyChange (Ann chg _ fp) = do
AddImport imp -> do
pure $ PCST.addImports (pure imp) md
AddComment declSig cmt -> do
let newDecls = PCST.addCmtUpDeclSig declSig [Comment cmt, Line LF] (modDecls md)
let newDecls = PCST.addCmtUpDeclSig declSig (Comment cmt) (modDecls md)
pure $ md {modDecls = newDecls}
AddRecord _recType _recName -> do
if isJust $ PCST.findDeclWithName _recName (modDecls md)
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/namma-dsl/tests/tech-design.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ animConfig:
- Hello this is a comment
- This is another one
- This is another one2
- This is third one2

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