calculate the Segment Overlap Score (SOV) score for the predicted secondary structures
Nanjiang Shu
Zemla A, Venclovas C, Fidelis K, Rost B., "A modified definition of Sov, a segment-based measure for protein secondary structure prediction assessment.", Proteins, 1999, 34(2), pp. 220-3
Note: when the observed secondary structure contains unknown structures, the calculation might be different compared to e.g. SOV_refine.
This installation has been tested on Ubuntu and CentOS Requirement: g++
make install
If need to be installed to a customized location
make "BINPATH=/your/path" install
Usage: calSOV [options] file1 file2 ...
-o, --out <outfile> : output the result to outfile, (default = stdout)
-l, --list listfile : set the file containing a list of predicted files
-f, --format 0|1|2|3 : set the format of the input file, (default = 1)
-q3, --isOutQ3 yes|no: wheter output q3, (default = yes)
-m, --method 0|1|2|3: set the method to get predicted secondary structure state from Res file, (default = 1)
-statq3 : anylyze the Q3 for residues predicted at different confidences
-chkfstdir : folder to which Res from checkfirst program are stored, this need to be supplied when -statq3 is enabled
-selconf 0|1 : selection of the confidence, (default = 0)
: 0 -- raw confidence, 1 -- normalized confidence
-binwidth <real> : set halfbinwidth, (default = 1.0)
-max, --max-length : set the max length of the sequence, (default = 200000)
-proof, --proof : enable proof reading
-proofmethod int : set the method for proof reading, (default = 0)
-polypara a1 a2 a3 : input three parameters for polynormail function which normalize the confidence
: default a1=-0.007100 , a2 = 1.808400 , a3 = -11.400000
-h, --help : print this help message and exit
Created on 2009-07-23, updated 2016-11-03, Nanjiang Shu
Format description of input file:
Format 0: prediction Res* file
Format 2: Fasta format, >AA, >OSEC, >PSEC, order not important
./calSOV -f 2 test/test1_f2.txt # the same example as in the reference
./calSOV -f 2 test/test2_f2.txt
./calSOV -f 1 test/16VPA.psipred.format_1.txt