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johnsimcall committed May 5, 2024
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Showing 1 changed file with 386 additions and 0 deletions.
386 changes: 386 additions & 0 deletions content/modules/ROOT/pages/openshift-update-service-operator.adoc
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= OpenShift Update Service

== Overview

The[OpenShift Update Service Operator (OSUS)] provides a fleet of disconnected OpenShift clusters with centralized updates.

Red Hat maintains an update __"graph"__ that describes the supported, **and blocked**, paths when upgrading an older version of OpenShift to a newer one.
For example, the __graph__ allows clusters to upgrade directly from version `4.14.0` to `4.14.20`.
However, clusters that are running OpenShift version `4.13.0` are instructed, by the __graph__, to first update to `4.13.39` before applying the `4.14.20` update.

`oc-mirror` will download the __graph__ data if the `ImageSetConfiguration` sets `mirror.platform.graph: true`

For example:

kind: ImageSetConfiguration
path: /home/lab-user/
graph: true # <-- this is required for OpenShift Update Service
- name: stable-4.13
minVersion: 4.13.0
maxVersion: 4.13.40
- name: stable-4.14
minVersion: 4.14.0
maxVersion: 4.14.22

The [.salsa]#salsa.lab cluster# has already downloaded the __graph__ data and the OpenShift Update Service Operator (also known as `cincinnati`).

This lab will show how to install and configure the Update Service Operator, and configure the [.highside]#disco.lab cluster# to pull updates from it.
The abbreviated list of tasks include:

{counter:overview}. Install the OpenShift Update Service (OSUS) Operator

{counter:overview}. Configure the OSUS pods to trust the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry#

{counter:overview}. Configure the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# to trust OSUS

{counter:overview}. Configure the [.highside]#disco.lab# cluster to use OSUS:

** Trust the TLS certificate of the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster (where OSUS runs)
** Trust the TLS certificate of the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry# (where the updates are stored)
** Add the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry's# authentication data to [.highside]#disc.lab's# global __pull secret__.

== Installing the OpenShift Update Service Operator

Please install the OpenShift Update Service on the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster.
Accept all of the default values.

image::disconnected-operator-catalog.png[Screenshot of the salsa.lab clusters OpenShift Web Console showing OperatorHub with a custom CatalogSource]

After the Operator has finished installing, return to the command-line to apply the `UpdateService` __result file__ that was created by `oc-mirror`.

The `updateService.yaml` file created by `oc-mirror` will create the `UpdateService` in the the `default` namespace.

The command below includes a `-n openshift-update-service` and creates the `UpdateService` in the correct namespace.

oc apply -n openshift-update-service -f $HOME/oc-mirror-workspace/results-*/updateService.yaml
---- created

== Configure OSUS to trust the salsa mirror-registry

After applying the `updateService.yaml` __result file__, OSUS will immediately try to pull the __graph__ data and list of available updates / releases from the [.salsa]#salsa# `mirror-registry`.
But the pods/containers running OSUS haven't been configured to trust any additional TLS Certificate Authorities (CA).

You can see the error message by describing the `UpdateService`

oc describe UpdateService --all-namespaces
Message: not set for image name cluster
Reason: NotConfigured
Type: RegistryCACertFound

Configuring the OSUS pods running on the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster to trust the [.salas]#salsa# `mirror-registry` requires two steps.
First, create a `ConfigMap` (in the `openshift-config` namespace) with the [.salsa]#salsa# `mirror-registry's` TLS Certificate Authority in two different __keys__.
The first __key__ of the `ConfigMap` is the special name `updateservice-registry`.
The second __key__ of the `ConfigMap` is the DNS name of the [.salsa]#salsa# mirror-registry with the colon (two dots) replaced with two other dots (periods `.`)
In other words, `` becomes `` because the colon `:` is a reserved character in YAML.

Replacing the colon with two periods is only required if your `mirror-registry` uses a port number, like `8443`.

oc create configmap osus-ca-trust -n openshift-config \
--from-file=updateservice-registry=$HOME/quay/quay-rootCA/rootCA.pem \
--from-file=$(hostname -f)..8443=$HOME/quay/quay-rootCA/rootCA.pem
configmap/osus-ca-trust created

Then patch OpenShift's Image Configuration so that the new `ConfigMap` is also used to trust TLS certificates.

oc patch image.config/cluster --type merge \
--patch '{"spec": {"additionalTrustedCA": {"name": "osus-ca-trust"}}}'
---- patched

== Configure the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# to trust OSUS

The [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster should also be configured to trust the OSUS TLS certificate.
This will allow the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster to apply updates it serves to itself.

The OSUS TLS certificate is provided by OpenShift's Ingress Controller / Router.

The [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster already has a cluster-wide CA trust bundle because the `install-config.yaml` included the `mirror-registry's` Certificate Authority.
We need to download the pre-existing cluster-wide CA trust (`configmap/user-ca-bundle`) to a file and add the Router Certificate Authority to the end of that file.

oc extract configmap/user-ca-bundle -n openshift-config
oc extract secret/router-certs-default -n openshift-ingress \
--keys=tls.crt --to=- >> ca-bundle.crt
# tls.crt

Then replace the pre-existing cluster-wide CA trust (`configmap/user-ca-bundle`) with the updated list of Certificate Authorities.

oc set data configmap/user-ca-bundle -n openshift-config --from-file ca-bundle.crt
configmap/user-ca-bundle data updated

The [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster will now trust itself when applying updates.

Use the following commands to point [.salsa]#salsa.lab# to itself for updates.
Begin by identifying the URL of the __graph__ data being served by OSUS.

OSUS_URL=$(oc get -n openshift-update-service updateservice update-service-oc-mirror -o jsonpath='{.status.policyEngineURI}/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph{"\n"}')
echo $OSUS_URL

Then patch the __graph__ data URL into the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster.

oc patch clusterversion/version --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"upstream\":\"$OSUS_URL\"}}"
---- patched

Finally, you can use the Web Console (under Administration and Cluster Settings) to choose an update.
You can also use the command-line `oc adm upgrade` to show the next suggested upgrade.

== Configure the disco.lab cluster to use OSUS

Configuring the [.highside]#disco.lab# cluster to use OSUS from the [.salsa]#salsa.lab# cluster adds one extra step, updating the global __pull secret__ with credentials for the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry#.

The [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry# credentials are `init` / `salsapass`.

Log in to the [.highside]#highside# system, discover the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry's# DNS name, trust its TLS certificates,and add its credentials to the [.highside]#disco.lab# __pull secret__ with `podman`.

SALSA_REG=$(openssl s_client -connect salsa:8443</dev/null 2>/dev/null | awk '/^issuer/ {print $NF}')

Download the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry# and OSUS TLS certificates and trust them.

Use SSH to copy the TLS certificate bundle file that was created on the [.salsa]#salsa# system.

Look in the Table of Contents, or the xref:index.adoc[Workshop Overview] to find your unique password.

scp salsa:~/ca-bundle.crt .
ca-bundle.crt 100% 3823 4.3MB/s 00:00

Configure the [.highside]#highside# system to trust [.salsa]#salsa's mirror-registry#.

sudo cp -v ca-bundle.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
sudo update-ca-trust
'ca-bundle.crt' -> '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ca-bundle.crt'

Combine the [.highside]#disco.lab's# cluster-wide CA trust with the [.salsa]#salsa# certificates.

oc extract configmap/user-ca-bundle -n openshift-config --to=- >> ca-bundle.crt
# ca-bundle.crt

Replace [.highside]#disco.lab's# cluster-wide CA trust with the combined CA bundle

oc set data configmap/user-ca-bundle -n openshift-config --from-file ca-bundle.crt
configmap/user-ca-bundle data updated

Add the [.salsa]#salsa mirror-registry# credentials to the [.highside]#highside# system's local __pull secret__.

podman login --username init --password salsapass $SALSA_REG:8443
cat $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/containers/auth.json
Login Succeeded!
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "aW5pdDpkaXNjb3Bhc3M="
"": {
"auth": "aW5pdDpzYWxzYXBhc3M="

Replace the [.highside]#disco.lab# cluster's global __pull secret__

oc set data secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config --from-file $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/containers/auth.json
secret/pull-secret data updated

Finally, patch the [.highside]#disco.lab# cluster to look for updates from the [.salsa]#OSUS on salsa.lab#.

oc patch clusterversion/version --type merge \
--patch '{"spec":{"upstream":"https://update-service-oc-mirror-route-openshift-update-service.apps.salsa.lab/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph"}}'
---- patched

Confirm that [.highside]#disco.lab# can update from [.salsa]#OSUS running on salsa.lab# cluster.

You can also use the Web Console (under Administration and Cluster Settings) to choose an update.

oc adm upgrade
Cluster version is 4.14.19
Upstream: https://update-service-oc-mirror-route-openshift-update-service.apps.salsa.lab/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph
Channel: stable-4.14 (available channels: candidate-4.14, candidate-4.15, eus-4.14, fast-4.14, fast-4.15, stable-4.14, stable-4.15)
Recommended updates:

Your update / release will not be accepted if you haven't uploaded the `release` signatures from the `oc-mirror` __results files__.
See xref:lab05.adoc#_update_your_cluster[Lab 5] for details on how to trust the `release signatures`.

// Appendix

== OSUS Appendix

=== ConfigMap YAML

oc get configmap/osus-ca-trust -n openshift-config
[lab-user@salsa ~]$ oc get -n openshift-config cm/osus-ca-trust -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
data: |
updateservice-registry: |
kind: ConfigMap
name: osus-ca-trust
namespace: openshift-config

//openssl s_client -connect $SALSA_REG:8443 -showcerts 2>/dev/null </dev/null |
// awk '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/ {if(/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/){a++}; out="salsa-mirror-reg-" a ".pem"; print >out}'
//sudo cp -v salsa-mirror-reg* /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
//sudo update-ca-trust
//'salsa-mirror-reg-1.pem' -> '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/salsa-mirror-reg-1.pem'
//'salsa-mirror-reg-2.pem' -> '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/salsa-mirror-reg-2.pem'

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