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CCB: 2022.02.16

jczarnecki13 edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

Items for Discussion


🔒 SCH !18 GSFCCFS-1510, Added new CFE wrapper functions to differentiate CFE_SB_MsgId_t and int types

Approved - check for any needed unit test updates.


All these approved.

cFE PR #2044 [COMMUNITY: @]Fix remove redundant word

cFE PR #2048 Fix #2047, Add CFE_ES_CreateChildTask default handler

osal PR #1215 Fix #1214, Resolve UT uninitialized variable warnings

CF PR #196 Fix #195, Stack smashing in CF_Chunk unit test

CF PR #198 Fix #197, Resolve uninitialized variables in UT

CF PR #191 [MERGED] Fix #190, Use lowercase and updated table name in CI #191

cFS-GroundSystem PR #205 Fix #204, Apply header guard standard

🔒 LC !48 GSFCCFS-1895, UT array bound fix and use app globals

🔒 CS !52 GSFCCFS-1897, Increment table entry by one on memory error

Apply Header Guard Standard

psp PR #322 Fix #321, Apply header guard standard

sch_lab PR #107 Fix #106, Apply header guard standard

to_lab PR #114 Fix #113, Apply header guard standard

ci_lab PR #103 Fix #102, Apply header guard standard

sample_lib PR #174 Fix #58, Apply header guard standard

elf2cfetbl PR #100 Fix #99, Apply header guard standard

CF PR #189 Fix #188, Apply header guard standard

🔒 FM !57 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 HK !35 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 MD !47 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 LC !46 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 CS !50 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 HS !45 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 DS !44 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 FM !SC GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 MM !47 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

🔒 cfs_lib !10 GSFCCFS-1885, Apply header guard standard

Remove Packed Attribute

🔒 CS !49 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 LC !45 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 DS !43 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 MD !48 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 SC !54 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 MM !46 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 HS !44 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 HK !34 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

🔒 FM !56 GSFCCFS-1874, Remove packed attribute in unit test structures

Updates for Draco compatibility

🔒 FM !55 GSFCCFS-1876, Update for Draco compatibility

🔒 LC !44 GSFCCFS-1876, Update for Draco compatibility

🔒 SC !52 GSFCCFS-1876, Update for Draco compatibility

🔒 MD !46 GSFCCFS-1876, Update for Draco compatibility

🔒 MM !45 GSFCCFS-1876, Update for Draco compatibility

Fix UT Handlers and simplify Build

🔒 DS !45 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 CS !51 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 SC !55 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 MM !48 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 MD !49 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 58 !FM GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 HK !36 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 HS !46 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

🔒 LC !47 GSFCCFS-1886, Fix UT handlers and simplify build

Resolve valgrind 32-bit warnings

🔒 SC !56 GSFCCFS-1894, Resolve valgrind warnings on 32-bit build

🔒 MM !49 GSFCCFS-1894, Resolve valgrind warnings on 32-bit build

🔒 MD !50 GSFCCFS-1894, Resolve valgrind warnings on 32-bit build

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