I wanted to create a color scheme for Spicetify that resembled a coral and navy theme. Although, the scheme I wanted wasn't available in the Dribbblish Theme, which I also really liked. So, I decided to blend the two to create my own scheme that would appear in my preferred Dribblish theme.
To install this as a theme, the easiest way is to paste the color.ini code into the color.ini file in the Dribbblish theme folder. I also had to hardcode a couple of colors into the user.css files to make it exactly how I wanted it. You can follow the same process with the CSS as the INI file.
Navigate to the config.ini file for Spicetify and set the current_theme to Dribbblish and color_scheme to Reef. To run the Dribbblish theme, you must also have the Dribbblish.js file installed.