OSU CS492 Final Project
Designed by: Ethan Nechanicky, Elayne Trimble, Adam Truong, Iain Richey
My Fridge aims to help customers keep track of food times in their fridge and pantry, providing an efficient way manage their fridge/pantry. Our app will help reduce food waste and simplify meal planning. It features an intuitive interface, making it easy to manage items, set expiration dates, receive notifications, and even find recipe suggestions based on currently stocked food items.
We suggest exploring the guide of our app content below:
- A detailed summary of the user facing pages.
Main Page
Displays the home screen that displays upcoming expiration dates, and/or any reminders/notifications. Can navigate to Fridge Page, Settings Page, and Grocery List. Displays the user’s virtual fridge including details such as quantity. Users will be able to filter by food type and search. Can navigate back to Main, Adding Food Page, and detailed item page. -
Detailed Items Page
Shows specific details of a specific item in the fridge such as expiration date, serving size, minutes to make, etc. -
Adding Food Page
Users can input food options for the food they are adding. Can navigate to the Camera Usage page for picture taking. -
Camera Usage Page
Brings up the camera for the user to take a picture of the item’s nutrition facts. After the photo is taken, it will be stored with the specified item. -
Recipe Page
Shows recipe suggestions based on items in the user’s fridge. -
Grocery List Page
Users can create and manage their grocery list, either by manually entering items or by selecting pre-created items that the user has already created before. -
Settings Page
Allow users to configure user preferences and app settings, such as expiration date preferences, light/dark mode. Can navigate to Main
My Fridge is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License .