Exercises and notes are from textbook "Theoretical Neuroscience" (Dayan and Abbott).
Exercises are written in Python, with a few in MATLAB, and involve statistical analysis and visualization using matplotlib. Notes are primarily in LATEX (with Ch. 1 notes in a Jupyter notebook). Each chapter has notes, and most have solutions to selected exercises.
See call.pdf for a list of all chapter exercises. Data required for the exercises is in the data folder of each chapter directory.
Estimating neuron firing rates and comparing them with mathematical models. Includes a Poisson spike generator, a white-noise simulator, and a few nice graphs.
Estimating neuron firing rates with linear filters and by adding static nonlinearities. Includes a few more nice graphs.
Estimating the stimulus based on firing rates from certain experiments.
Exercises were mainly math-based and are not included here.