ChatGPT playwright api,not openai api
一个不怎么使用网页的ChatGPT playwright api
- 使用网页版 chatgpt | use chatgpt
- 多人格预设与切换 | Multiple personality presets and switching
- 聊天记录存储与导出 | Chat history storage and export
- 自定义人设 | Customized persona
- 重置聊天或回到某一时刻 | Reset a chat or go back to a certain moment
- 多账号并发聊天 | Concurrent chatting with multiple accounts
- 使用账号登录(暂不支持苹果)| Log in with your account (Apple is not supported yet)
- GPT4 and PLUS
- GPT4 upload file
- GPT4 download file
- 代码过于混乱等优化 | The code is too confusing and other optimizations
- 抽空完善readme | Take the time to improve the readme
linux & Windows
pip install ChatGPTWeb
playwright install firefox
from ChatGPTWeb.config import MsgData
class MsgData():
status: bool = False,
msg_type: typing.Optional[typing.Literal["old_session","back_loop","new_session"]] = "new_session",
msg_send: str = "hi",
# your msg
gpt_model: typing.Literal["text-davinci-002-render-sha", "gpt-4", "gpt-4o"] = "text-davinci-002-render-sha",
# if you use gpt4o by gptplus
msg_recv: str = "",
# gpt's msg
conversation_id: str = "",
# old session's conversation_id
p_msg_id: str = "",
# p_msg_id : the message's parent_message_id in this conversation id / 这个会话里某条消息的 parent_message_id
next_msg_id: str = "",
post_data: str = ""
arkose_data: str = "",
arkose_header: dict[str,str] = {},
arkose: str|None = ""
# if chatgpt use arkose
import asyncio
from ChatGPTWeb import chatgpt
from ChatGPTWeb.config import Personality, MsgData
import aioconsole
sessions = [
"session_token": ""
"email": "",
"password": "",
# "mode":"openai" ,
"session_token": "",
"email": "",
"password": "",
"mode": "microsoft",
"help": ""
"email": "",
"password": "",
"mode": "google"
"email": "",
"password": "",
"gptplus": True
# please remove account if u don't have | 请删除你不需要的登录方式
# if you only use session_token, automatic login after expiration is not supported | 仅使用session_token登录的话,不支持过期后的自动登录
# if you use an openai account to log in,
# pleases manually obtain the session_token in advance and add it together to reduce the possibility of openai verification
# 使用openai账号登录的话,请提前手动获取 session_token并一同添加,降低 openai 验证的可能性
personality_definition = Personality(
"name": "Programmer",
'value': 'You are python Programmer'
chat = chatgpt(sessions=sessions, begin_sleep_time=False, headless=True, stdout_flush=True)
# "begin_sleep_time=False" for testing only
# When using for the first time, if cloudflare exists, use headless=False and manually click Verify. After the session file is generated, switch it to True
# 初次使用时,如果存在cloudflare,请使用headless=False,并手动点击验证。在session文件生成后,再将其切换为True
async def main():
c_id = await aioconsole.ainput("your conversation_id if you have:")
# if u don't have,pleases enter empty
p_id = await aioconsole.ainput("your parent_message_id if you have:")
# if u don't have,pleases enter empty
data:MsgData = MsgData(conversation_id=c_id,p_msg_id=p_id)
while 1:
data.msg_send = await aioconsole.ainput("input:")
if data.msg_send == "quit":
elif data.msg_send == "gpt4o":
if data.gpt_model != "gpt-4o":
data.gpt_model = "gpt-4o"
data.conversation_id = ""
data.p_msg_id = ""
data.msg_send = await aioconsole.ainput("reinput:")
if data.msg_send == "what's the png":
with open("1.png","rb") as f:
file = IOFile(,
elif data.msg_send == "gpt3.5":
if data.gpt_model != "text-davinci-002-render-sha":
data.gpt_model = "text-davinci-002-render-sha"
data.conversation_id = ""
data.p_msg_id = ""
data.msg_send = await aioconsole.ainput("reinput:")
elif data.msg_send == "re":
data.msg_type = "back_loop"
data.p_msg_id = await aioconsole.ainput("your parent_message_id if you go back:")
elif data.msg_send == "reset":
data = await chat.back_init_personality(data)
elif data.msg_send == "init_personality":
data.msg_send = "your ..."
data = await chat.init_personality(data)
elif data.msg_send == "history":
print(await chat.show_chat_history(data))
elif data.msg_send == "status":
print(await chat.token_status())
data = await chat.continue_chat(data)
if data.msg_recv == '':
data.error_info = ""
data.msg_recv = ""
data.p_msg_id = ""
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
sessions: list[dict] = [],
# 参考 简单使用 ,暂不支持苹果账号,不写mode默认为openai账号
# Refer to Simple practice. Apple accounts are not supported for the time being.
# If you do not write "mode", the default is openai account.
proxy: typing.Optional[str] = None,
# proxy = ""
# proxy = "http://user:pass@"
# chatgpt(proxy=proxy)
# 要用代理的话就像这样 | proxy like it if u need use
chat_file: Path = Path("data", "chat_history", "conversation"),
# 聊天记录保存位置,一般不需修改
# The location where the chat history is saved, generally does not need to be modified.
personality: Optional[Personality] = Personality([{"name": "cat", "value": "you are a cat now."}]),
# 默认人格,用于初始化,推荐你使用类方法去添加你个人使用的
# The default personality is used for initialization. It is recommended that you use class methods to add your own personal
log_status: bool = True,
# 是否启用日志,默认开启,推荐在使用__main__.py进行测试时关闭
# Whether to enable logging. It is enabled by default. It is recommended to turn it off when using for testing.
plugin: bool = False,
# 是否作为一个nonebot2插件使用(其实是插入进一个已经创建了的协程程序里)
# Whether to use it as a nonebot2 plug-in (actually inserted into an already created coroutine program)
headless: bool = True,
# 无头浏览器模式 | Headless browser mode
begin_sleep_time: bool = True,
# 启动时的随即等待时间,默认开启,推荐仅在少量账号测试时关闭
# The immediate waiting time at startup is enabled by default. It is recommended to turn it off only when testing with a small number of accounts.
logger_level: Literal["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"] = "INFO"
# 日志等级,默认INFO
# logger_level
stdout_flush: bool = False
# shell流式传输
# command shell refresh output
save_screen: bool = False
# 发送消息与刷新cookie失败时保存异常截图到文件(登录失败的截图会一直保持开启)
# Save exception screenshots to files when sending messages and refreshing cookies fail (screenshots of login failures will always remain open)
chat = chatgpt(sessions=sessions)
# 聊天处理入口,一般用这个
# Message processing entry, please use this
msg_data = MsgData()
msg_data.msg_send = "your msg"
msg_data = await chat.continue_chat(msg_data)
# 获取保存的聊天记录
# Get saved chat history
msg_data = MsgData()
msg_data.conversation_id = You want to read the conversation_id of the record | 你想要读取记录的conversation_id
chat_history_list:list = await chat.show_chat_history(msg_data)
# You can enter the text that appeared last time, or the number of dialogue rounds starts from 1 , or p_msg_id
# 通过输入来回溯,你可以输入最后一次出现过的文字,或者对话回合序号(从1开始),或者最后一次出现在聊天中的关键词,或者 p_msg_id
# Note: backtracking will not reset the recorded chat files,
# please pay attention to whether the content displayed in the chat records exists when backtracking again
# 注意:回溯不会重置记录的聊天文件,请注意再次回溯时聊天记录展示的内容是否存在
msg_data = MsgData()
msg_data.msg_send = "pleases call me Tom"
# 如果这是第5条消息 | If this is the 5th message
# 通过序号 | by index
msg_data.msg_send = "5"
# 通过关键词 | by keyword
msg_data.msg_send = "Tom"
msg_data.conversation_id = "xxx"
msg_data = await chat.back_chat_from_input(msg_data)
# 使用指定的人设创建一个新会话
# Create a new conversation with the specified persona
msg_data = MsgData()
person_name = "你保存的人设名|Your saved persona name"
msg_data.msg_send = person_name
msg_data = await chat.init_personality(msg_data)
# 回到刚初始化人设之后
# Go back to just after initializing the character settings
msg_data = MsgData()
msg_data.conversation_id = "xxx"
msg_data = await chat.back_init_personality()
# add personality,please input json just like this.
# 添加人格 ,请传像这样的json数据
personality: dict = {"name":"cat1","value":"you are a cat now1."}
await chat.add_personality(personality)
# show_personality_list | 展示人格列表
name_list: str = await chat.show_personality_list()
# del_personality by name | 删除人格根据名字
pserson_name = "xxx"
name_list: str = await chat.del_personality(person_name)
# get work status|查看session token状态和工作状态
status: dict = await chat.token_status()
# cid_num may not match the number of sessions, because it only records sessions with successful sessions, which will be automatically resolved after a period of time.
# cid_num 可能和session数量对不上,因为它只记录会话成功的session,这在允许一段时间后会自动解决
chat = chatgpt(sessions=sessions, begin_sleep_time=False, headless=True, log_status=False, plugin=True)
async def any_async_method():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
After opening and logging in, press F12 on the browser to open the developer tools and find the following cookies
A file will be generated in the startup directory. Please put the verification code into it and save it. Pay attention to the log prompts.
Please log in to chatgpt manually using Google from your browser once, then visit
and use the browser plug-in Cookie-Editor to export the cookies of this page in json format.
When the "{email_address}_google_cookie.txt" file appears, paste the copied json into it and save it.
,使用浏览器插件Cookie-Editor导出该页面的Cookie为json格式。 当"{email_address}_google_cookie.txt"文件出现时,将复制的json粘贴进去并保存。
When using for the first time, if cloudflare exists, use headless=False and manually click Verify. After the session file is generated, switch it to True