1: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
2: nvm install version
1: in github project => actions
2: search nodejs app
3: configure nodejs app as yml file or
a: create a directory as .github/workflows/node.js.yml
b: push this code in github
4: go to setting => actions => runners
5: creat "self hosted runner" app
6: selet Runner image => like linux
7: complete all command for
a: Download
b: Configure
c not ./run.sh
8: sudo ./svc.sh install
9: sudo ./svc.sh start
1: initilly do not add run command;
2: node version did not install autometically
3: if any erro then go to details pages
1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jXtTSnA8zw
initial setup command if do not any cnange locla
1: pm2 deploy devApi --force setup --env dev01
2: pm2 deploy production setup
initial setup command if locla is any cange but nod commit then
3: pm2 deploy devApi --force setup --env dev01
for run remote inatance and send params as key env
4: pm2 deploy devApi --env dev01
reload application
5: pm2 reload --update-env
exicution comand
pm2 deploy production --force exec "pwd"
get every commit uniq key for tag versins
git rev-parse --short HEAD
ssh key gen
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "newmohib@gmail.com"