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Releases: nf-core/detaxizer

detaxizer 1.1.0 - Kombjuudr

08 Nov 15:28
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  • PR #34 - Added bbduk to the classification step (kraken2 as default, both can be run together) (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Added --fasta_bbduk parameter to provide a fasta file with contaminants (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Rewrote summary step of classification to be usable with bbduk and/or kraken2 (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Made preprocessing with fastp optional and added the parameter --fastp_eval_duplication to turn on duplication removal (off as default, was on/not changeable in v1.0.0) (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Optionally the removed reads can now be written to the output folder (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Added optional classification of filtered and removed reads via kraken2 (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #39 - Added generation of input samplesheet for nf-core/mag, nf-core/taxprofiler (by @Joon-Klaps)


Added parameters:


Changed default values of parameters:

Parameter Old default value New default value
--fastp_cut_mean_quality 15 1
--kraken2db '' ''
--kraken2confidence 0.05 0.00
--tax2filter 'Homo' 'Homo sapiens'
--cutoff_tax2filter 2 0
--cutoff_tax2keep 0.5 0.0



  • PR #33 - Addition of quotation marks in prevents failure of the pipeline when using a taxon with space (e.g. Homo sapiens) with the --tax2filter parameter (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Made validation via blastn optional by default (by @jannikseidelQBiC)
  • PR #34 - Changed parameter --fasta to --fasta_blastn (by @jannikseidelQBiC)


Updated and added dependencies

Tool Previous version Current version
bbmap - 39.10
blastn 2.14.1 2.15.0
multiQC 1.21 1.25.1
kraken2 2.1.2 2.1.3
seqkit 2.8.0 2.8.2


Parameter New parameter Reason
--fasta --fasta_blastn Introduction of fasta_bbduk; necessary to further distinguish the two parameters
--skip_blastn --validation_blastn blastn is now to be enabled on purpose; too resource intensive for a default setting
--max_cpus - New behavior of nextflow, resourceLimits can now be set via a config
--max_memory - New behavior of nextflow, resourceLimits can now be set via a config
--max_time - New behavior of nextflow, resourceLimits can now be set via a config

detaxizer 1.0.0 Kobbfarbad

26 Mar 11:30
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First release of nf-core/detaxizer!

This is the initial version of the pipeline:

  1. Read QC (FastQC)
  2. Pre-processing (fastp)
  3. Classification of reads (Kraken2)
  4. Optional validation of searched taxon/taxa (blastn)
  5. Optional filtering of the searched taxon/taxa from the reads (either from the raw files or the preprocessed reads, using either the output from kraken2 or blastn)
  6. Summary of the processes (how many reads were initially present after preprocessing, how many were classified as the tax2filter plus potential taxonomic subtree and optionally how many were validated)
  7. Present QC for raw reads (MultiQC)