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Ultra96V2 FPGA mmWave interface

Interfacing with mmWave-device (IWR6843AOPEVM) from Ultra96V2 FPGA


Tested with:

  • Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (host PC)
  • Vivado / Vitis 2021.1 (with cable drivers and board files installed) Board files installed by creating new project, and pressing refresh (lower left corner) when looking for boards. Ultra96V2 should appear now. Can close Vivado before finishing creation of new project.

Create and flash hard coded config (HCC) binary to EVM board

HCC configures the EVM board automatically upon power-up without needing to send CLI commands from a host. Data is automatically output over UART.

  1. Open CCS, import AOP demo project: Project -> Import CCS Projects... -> Browse -> <MMWAVE_SDK_INSTALL>/mmwave_industrial_toolbox_4_8_0/labs/out_of_box_demo/68xx_aop_mmwave_sdk_hwa/src/ Example of hard-coded sensor config for 14xx using mmWave SDK 1.2 mmw demo
  2. Update mmWave SDK 3.5 68xx_aop demo to use example hard-coded config:
  • Rename/backup existing cli.c source file in mmwave_sdk_03_05_00_04\packages\ti\utils\cli\src directory
  • Edit new cli.c file with configuration of choice (example in this repository) and place in directory
  • Re-build cli library using gmake as described in mmWave SDK user guide
    • Linux:

      A) Make sure to update (mmwave_sdk_03_05_00_04/packages/scripts/unix/) with correct device (i.e. iwr68xx) before executing it

      B) Make sure to run 'gmake clean' and then 'gmake all' in the mmwave_sdk_03_05_00_04\packages\ti\utils\cli directory

    • Windows:

      A) Make sure to update (mmwave_sdk_03_05_00_04\packages\scripts\windows) setenv.bat with correct device (i.e. iwr68xx) before executing it

      B) Make sure to run 'make clean' and then 'make all' in the mmwave_sdk_03_05_00_04\packages\ti\utils\cli directory (installing chocolatey and then make allows this on Windows).

  • Re-build CCS project by right-clicking on project in CCS and performing "Re-build"
  • NOTE: If replacing/updating the example sensor config given in the cli.c file, make sure to use a config that was generated for the desired device and mmWave SDK version.
  1. Flash device with new .bin file (
  • new .bin file found in <CCS_workspace>/mmwave_sdk_68xx_aop_hwa/Debug
  • Configure device to flashing mode (small switch next to heat-sink "On")
  • Use Uniflash to flash new .bin file
  • Disable flashing mode on device and power-cycle
  1. EVM board should now be outputting data on the UART ports (USB and 60-pin (MSS_LOGGER pin)).

Old version, might not be compatible with AOP antenna:

  1. Follow which is also compatible with AOP version. Download the Industrial Toolbox and find the mentioned binary.
  2. Rebuild binaries:
  1. Follow for flashing instructions. Auto-detecting device did not work, enter manually (like in linked video).
  2. EVM board should now be outputting data on the UART ports (USB and 60-pin (MSS_LOGGER pin)).

Interpret EVM UART data stream

  • An output packet is sent out every frame through the UART.
  • Every packet consists of a Frame Header. Additional TLV items may also be sent each frame depending on the options enabled in the guiMonitor commmand and the number of detected objects.
  • Each TLV item consists of a TLV header and value (payload) information.
  • The length of the packet can depend on the number of detected objects and vary from frame to frame.
  • The end of the packet is padded so that the total packet length is always multiple of 32 Bytes.

Frame Header

Length: 44 Bytes
A Frame Header is sent at the start of each packet. Use the Magic Word to find the start of each packet.

Value Type Bytes Details
Magic Word uint16_t 8 Output buffer magic word (sync word). It is initialized to {0x0102,0x0304,0x0506,0x0708}
Version unint32_t 4 SDK Version represented as (MajorNum x 2^24 + MinorNum x 2^16 + BugfixNum x 2^8 + BuildNum)
Total Packet Length unint32_t 4 Total packet length including frame header length in Bytes
Platform unint32_t 4 Device type (ex 0xA6843 for IWR6843 devices)
Frame Number unint32_t 4 Frame number (resets to 0 when device is power cycled or reset. Not when sensor stop/start is issued.)
Time [in CPU Cycles] unint32_t 4 Time in CPU cycles when the message was created.
Num Detected Obj unint32_t 4 Number of detected objects (points) for the frame
Num TLVs unint32_t 4 Number of TLV items for the frame.
Subframe Number unint32_t 4 0 if advanced subframe mode not enabled, otherwise the sub-frame number in the range 0 to (number of subframes - 1)

TLV Header

Length: 8 Bytes

  • The number of TLVs in the frame packet is extracted from the Frame Header.
  • For each TLV in the packet, there is a TLV Header containing Type and Length information.
    • The Type identifier indicates what kind of information is contained in the playload.
    • The Length value gives the length of the payload.
Value Type Bytes Details
Type unint32_t 4 Indicates types of message contained in payload.
Length unint32_t 4 Length of the payload in Bytes (does not include length of the TLV header)

TLV Type Identifier

The parameters in the CLI command guiMonitor are used to enable or disable whether the TLV type is included in the output frame packet. The parameters are as follows: guiMonitor <subFrameIdx> <detected objects> <log magnitude range> <noise profile> <rangeAzimuth(Elevation)HeatMap> <rangeDopplerHeatMap> <statsInfo>

For the Out of Box demo, if type contains the following value then the payload contains the information listed under value type and should be parsed accordingly.

Type Identifier Value Type
1 Detected Points
2 Range Profile
3 Noise Floor Profile
4 Azimuth Static Heatmap
5 Range-Doppler Heatmap
6 Statistics (Performance)
7 Side Info for Detected Points
8 Azimuth/Elevation Static Heatmap
9 Temperature Statistics

TLV Payload

Detected Points

Type: 1
Length: 16 Bytes x Num Detected Obj
Value: Array of detected points. Each point is represented by 16 bytes giving position and radial Doppler velocity as shown in the table below:

Value Type Bytes
X [m] float 4
Y [m] float 4
Z [m] float 4
doppler [m/s] float 4

(all types 1-9 at link above) Interpretation strategy:

  1. Search for magic word in data stream.
  2. When magic word detected, allocate space for number of detected points mentioned in header.
  3. Skip rest of header?
  4. Listen for Type 1 (etected points) TLV header+payload packets, skip rest
  5. Store points from Type 1 packets
  6. Repeat

Ultra96 FPGA JTAG programming

  1. Follow instructions at to create basic hardware platform.
  2. Then follow to use hardware platform to create simple program to configure PS (needed to get clock to PL).
  3. From Vitis, run simple application as debug to initialize PS - and keep it running. Alt text
  4. From Vivado, program device with .bit-file to initialize FPGA with custom design, while PS clock is routed to PL. (
  5. FPGA can be re-programmed as usual now, and the PL clock will function as long as Vitis debug keeps PS configured.

Prebuilt hardware platform

  1. Download hardware platform and vivado project .zip folders
cd ~/Downloads/ && wget -O && wget -O
  1. Extract .zip folders to workspaces (can be anywhere, here home is chosen)
cd ~/Downloads/ && unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~ && unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~
  1. Open Vivado
cd /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/bin/ && sudo ./vivado
  1. Click 'Open project' and open 'ultra96_vivado_prj' from home installation folder
  2. (new terminal) Open Vitis
cd /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.1/bin/ && sudo ./vitis
  1. When prompted for a workspace, navigate to ~/ultra96_hw_platform and launch
  2. In Vitis, left click 'ultra96_simple_application_system' in the explorer window and 'Debug as -> Launch hardware'. This initializes PS side.
  3. In Vivado, Program device with bitstream and all should work as expected.
  4. Modify Vivado project as needed, generate new bitstream, and program device to test added functionality.
  5. To add BRAM/UART stuff, use helloworld.c file from this repo and rebuild Vitis project. Uses JTAG/UART port on Ultra96V2.

FPGA platform

Data path: UART_RX (receive raw UART data from port) -> data_parser (interpret UART packages according to frame/header/payload above) -> points_RAM (store points in ping-pong-buffer RAM) -> BRAM_controller (reads points from RAM, sends points to UART so they can be read from e.g. PC)


Alt text

  • Uses 100MHz clock from PS side.


  1. The ISK antenna has 15 degree angular resolution compared to the AOP's 30 degree in azimuth. The ISK's antenna also has a larger gain allowing it to see further. Please see the antenna database for more specifications.
  2. UART: The EVMs are configured for 3V3.
  3. Baud rates: DATA: 912600 CLI: 115200
  4. HCC: hard coding config of board.
  5. Magic word scanner always only finds magic word after minicom has displayed data stream and been closed? Sort of synchronization?
  6. Editting hardcoded config:

Alt text

  1. Several configs to choose from by default (2d, 3d, advanced, calibration) in mss/hc_confic_.h. Default is 3d as set in hc_config_defs.h,
  2. What does USB ENUMERATION LED (LD4) indicate? On when "normal" USB connection, else off?
  3. EVM switches:

Alt text

  1. PINCNTL last two digits is equal to pin address number in .c/.h files (divide/multiply 4)
  2. PINCNTL addresses for pins G3 (SCL) and G1 (SDA) on IWR6843AOP are the same as G14 (SCL) and F13 (SDA) on the IWR6843. Can maybe use same pinmux_xwr68xx.h even though mislabeled.
  3. Ultra96 40 pin LS header:

Alt text Alt text

  1. UART from PC to FPGA (USBtoTTY) can be used for debugging. Send recorded mmwave UART streams and see response.
  2. Use demo visualizer->real time tuning to change clustering and FOV settings to fit use case (
  3. Count in binary to generate all combinations of set. Check if input is power of 2 to skip combinations with just one item.
  4. For search, use 32-bit binary string to indicate which positions in RAM to use for current fit.


  1. 🟢 Configure ultra96 board, simple I/O program
  2. 🟢 Figure out how to use PS/PL clock without making new platform each time.
  3. 🟢 Find suitable interface on IWR6843AOPEVM board -> hard coded config keeps UART data streaming while board is powered
  4. 🟢 How to send config file from FPGA to IWR6843AOPEVM -> HCC (hard code config) which makes board automatically stream data once turned on
  5. 🟢 How to request/receive data from IWR6843AOPEVM -> Automatically streams data on UART port when HCC'd
  6. 🟢 Interpret UART packages automatically sent from EVM
  7. 🟢 How to interpret USB outpout on FPGA? Turn into TTL with FTDI? Route to UART_BT JTAG pins? Use 60-pin high speed connector
  8. 🟢 Interface with EVM UART from FPGA
  9. 🟢 Store "points" in BRAM
  10. 🟡 How to perform search? What to include in search - points, phase, normalized current? 32 points alone results in 4.3 billion combinations, explodes further when adding phase and/or current information.
  11. 🟡 Implement on FPGA - use VHDL or HLS? Matlab Coder or Vitis HLS?


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